In Germany, they recommend against applying the Oxf vaccine …


The committee in charge of vaccination Germany indicated this Thursday that only recommends British laboratory AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine for people under 65. The decision was made public amid the fight between the European Union and the pharmaceutical company, due to the lack of information on its effectiveness in older people.

“AstraZeneca’s covid-19 vaccine is currently recommended for people aged 18 to 64,” the commission said in a document explaining that “the data available to date are insufficient to assess the effectiveness of vaccines beyond 65 years“.

The German commission’s decision comes at a time of maximum voltage between the European Union and the laboratory who developed the coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with the University of Oxford. The pulseada revolves around delivering doses Okay.

This Thursday, the conflict intensified even more with the break in a pharmaceutical factory in Belgium, suspected of being produced there, the United Kingdom is hijacked. The raided headquarters is located south of Brussels, in the town of Seneffe, and the magistrates documentation and samples were taken to study the destination of the vaccines that occur at this location.

In this context and in the context of discussions in this regard in the European Union due to the delay in the delivery of vaccines, the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, suggested a few days ago to restrict the exports of those produced in European territory. “Vaccines leaving the EU need a license so that at least we know what is produced and what leaves Europe. And if they leave Europe, there is a fair distribution,” Spahn said.


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