In government, they are already planning to open the trainee to UCR in the government. – 02/23/2019


Still yesterday, already with Mauricio Macri Back in Olivos' home after a week of traveling through Asian lands, reproaches continued at the top of the government. Who arrived at the plane for Martín Lousteau? It seems a bit ridiculous to the front-line officials that the deputy minister gave a full tour interview to say that the macrismo he should not be afraid open the path of primaries to their UCR partners. The president had a moment of discomfort and had to live with Lousteau in New Delhi, then in Hanoi, mired in surprise and resignation.

In Buenos Aires they were looking responsible and he appointed Emilio Monzó as the author of the initiative. In the environment of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies they felt the harbadment and defended themselves"We proposed to take the referents of each block of Congress and Mauricio, it seemed good.What happened is that the others are out.What fault to Emilio if everything always ends up defining pink? ". Until Elisa Carrió interrupts her rest in Punta del Este to express her anger. They say that he called his links in the macrismo of Buenos Aires to tell them that it was a foolish thing to tell the president what he should do. I was furious with the radicals: "They always do the same thing"It was the sweetest thing he pbaded on.

Martín Lousteau, India, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Martín Lousteau, India, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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The certain thing is that Lousteau's sentence arrived with the force of a dagger, as it occurred at the same time as the table of the PRO's electoral decisions has already begun to yield to the insistent demand of the dome of its UCR partners to negotiate an internal agreement in the direction of this year's general election.

"They are our partners It seems natural that they want to compete if they think they have a chance or that they help us to increase Mauricio's candidacy Why should we refuse?" request. The question was the focus of informal conversations in Buenos Aires and New Delhi.

Mauricio Macri with his wife Juliana Awada and Martín Lousteau. I could be rivals this year.

Mauricio Macri with his wife Juliana Awada and Martín Lousteau. I could be rivals this year.

An unavoidable source of the DUC, even, has revealed to Clarin that the electoral question had been tackled in a conversation before the tour between the head of state and Lousteau. Advances in this dialogue and other dedicated dialogues were about to be whitewashed when the verbal wick from the former ambbadador to the United States. It made them somewhat confused. In macrismo, they tend to take care of forms. They do not want to be left as they yielded to the supposed pressure of the media after what they consider as a clear rudeness.

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"Martin has always been a wayward boy", They attack it.This may be the first campaign of friction.There is a sector of radicalism that sees in Lousteau the ideal candidate to retain the elector of Cambiemos who today He is not satisfied with Macri and who would not choose Cristina Kirchner in any case. He evaluates it. The idea excites him. Proponents of his landing whisper to him: "One thing is that you are running for the position of head of government and you are still losing with Rodriguez Larreta and another is settling as an option all over the country and losing against the president." But trust is not just a characteristic missing from the Lousteau team: "What if Martin gave the bump?", Ask those who move by his side.

In government, perhaps more concerned not to aggravate internal injuries than real motivations, suppose that they will sit down to negotiate. "We are open to competition. We already did it in 2015", Warns a member of the national table who, not so long ago, denied this chance.The period of discussion is tricky.The economy is still in the eye of the cyclone, the dollar has again disrupted the spirit of the macrist campaign this week and most pollsters say that, even under the best of scenarios, Macri has no significant advantage over Cristina. win in the first round and the ballot seems diffuse, especially if for some reason the former president had decided not to participate in the contest.

Elisa Carrió was heard from Punta del Este.

Elisa Carrió was heard from Punta del Este.

The opening strategy of the presidential interior divides Macrismo. There is a soft wing that gives priority to coexistence with the UCR to not generate breakthrough ghosts in Changebut there is a difficult sector that is preparing to fight. "If they want to challenge a primary in Mauricio, radicalism also presents candidates in the city of Buenos Aires and in the province. And whoever takes less than 35% of the vote is not represented in the lists"One of these leaders entrusted to this newspaper.C is a scheme similar to that implemented by Alfredo Cornejo in Mendoza, esgrimen.

The president of Radicalism is the one who designed the plan to compete with Macri. Clarin He reported on it in a September note from last year. At first, powerful leaders of his party, such as governors Gerardo Morales (Jujuy) and Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), resisted this initiative. They believed that Macri's figure might be weakened. But the bad news came before, when the presidential image was losing its luminosity for society. Thus, what began as a clandestine movement came out of the police force this summer.

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The dessert cherry was the statements of Ernesto Sanz pushing the internals. "Some disillusioned voters may find a means of expression with a primary. The DUC must be arranged"In another era, Sanz was the radical who frequented Casa Rosada," said Miter radio. They blamed him for being closer to the president than to the party.

No one in the executive has ever explained what happened to him. In other words, in May of last year, the government had called to "revive" a political table. There was even a photo promoted in the Olivos Gardens, which also included Marcos Peña, Rogelio Frigerio, Monzó and Morales. They did not see each other again.



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