In her time, women demanded their rights with a massive march to Congress


On International Women’s Day, thousands of people took to the streets to claim their rights. A women’s strike was called and there were simultaneous marches across the 8 M in different parts of the country. The one with the highest concentration had as its epicenter the surroundings of the Congress. The, about 45 thousand people met this Monday to say enough for gender violence and femicides as main flags.

But the slogans were multiple: gender equality, economic parity, respect for diversity and focus on feminist judicial reform, so that judges, prosecutors and the state respond to a request for help from a woman who denounces.

March 8: all the photos of the protests for Women's Day in Argentina

In the appeal documents, the demand for public policies was added to mitigate the adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic on women, the application of the transvestite vacancy and measures to stop femicides and transvesticides.

The mobilizations began almost in unison across the country and have had their correlation around the world. From 4 p.m., marches were held in Mendoza, Rosario, Cordoba, Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata, La Plata, Salta, Neuquén and Río Negro, among other cities.

There was a verdurazo in front of the Congress, in preview of the march for 8M.  Photo: Lucia Merle

There was a verdurazo in front of the Congress, in preview of the march for 8M. Photo: Lucia Merle

The Ni Una Menos group called for a meeting in Congress. Right there, in the previous one, a “feminist verdurazo” with the Union of Land Workers (UTT) and, around 4 p.m., they distributed bags with vegetables to those who approached.

Minutes after 6 p.m., the larger groups began to arrive, with flags, drums and bibs from social organizations or political parties joining in on this massive and colorful day.

The square was filled with artistic or cultural performances and expressions. One of the first of the afternoon was organized by Coordinadoras sin Frontera de futbol feminista, which they gathered a hash in front of the legislative building.

Some 45,000 people marched to the National Congress.  Efficient drone photo.

Some 45,000 people marched to the National Congress. Efficient drone photo.

“We stop because we are not going to leave the street, because our strength is collective, because we scream enough to patriarchal violence, because we are not going to pay for the crisis with our bodies and our territories, ”they noted.

“Viking” women, watched with war shields they arrived at the center of the concentration wrapped in green scarves, a symbol that consecrated the fight and led to the legalization of abortion in Argentina. One of the slogans already achieved, not without collective effort.

They carried a flag as a banner: “If I don’t come back, break everything.” The sentence that has become heartache in the women’s collective was one of the last published by Úrsula Bahillo on her social networks before being stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend, a 25-year-old police officer. If abortion is the success to be celebrated, femicides are the most painful unresolved story.

The "Viking" with shields participating in the march to Congress.  Photo Lucia Merle.

The “Vikings” with shields participating in the march to Congress. Photo Lucia Merle.

Among those who gathered in front of Parliament were many relatives of victims of femicide or sexual violence. This is the case of Lourdes R. (21), who was mistreated by her ex-brother-in-law when she was a minor: “I come to seek justice because no one has ever believed me and I have lost many years. in this fight. “

The list of slogans and proposals “We are stopping” in Argentina, signed by dozens of organizations, unions and social movements across the country, begins with a climate change: the effects of the coronavirus on the situation of women, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites and trans.

On this occasion, there was no central act, neither staging, nor unified discourse, but what came closest to it was a text that representatives of a left-wing group were reading from ‘at the top of a truck in front of the Confiserie du Moulin.

One of the loud cries was once more “Not one less”, after the names of femicide victims have been listed. The sanction of Emergency law on gender-based violence.

So far in 2021, according to statistics from the NGO La Casa del Encuentro, a total of 50 femicides and 1 transfemicide in Argentina. This number means that a woman is murdered every 30 hours. As a result, between January 1 and February 28 of this year, 62 children and adolescents were left without a mother.

For the first time, the commemoration and strike of the 8M took place with the Voluntary termination of pregnancy in the country. In this sense, the petition called for the effective application of the new regulations and the release of those imprisoned for abortion or for obstetric events, It is estimated that there are at least 1,532 women.

Collaborator: Lydia Ha



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