In his armored train, Kim Jong-un arrived in Russia for a meeting with Vladimir Putin – 24/04/2019


The head of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, arrived Wednesday in Vladivostok, Russia, where he was received with military honors on the eve of his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which will be held in this city of the Russian Far East.

Kim Jong-un arrives at the Kasan border crossing. / AP

Kim Jong-un arrives at the Kasan border crossing. / AP

The armored train of the North Korean Marshal stopped at Vladivostok station at 6 pm local time (5 am in the morning, Argentina time), where he was received at Red carpet from the Minister of Development of the Far East, Alexandr Kozlov, Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov.

Kim on his arrival in Vladivostok. / AFP

Kim on his arrival in Vladivostok. / AFP

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In addition, the welcome procession included Russian Ambbadador to North Korea Alexandr Matsegora and Primorye Governor Oleg Kozhemiako.

Leaving the station, a military band played the North Korean and Russian anthem, and before entering a limousine, Kim and the Russian authorities have examined the guard of honor.

Kim Jong-un pbades the guard of honor at the port of Vladivostok./ Reuters

Kim Jong-un pbades the guard of honor at the port of Vladivostok./ Reuters

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The North Korean delegation then went to nearby The island of Russki, where is the campus of the Federal University of the Far East and where he will meet Thursday with Putin.

According to Kozhemiako told the first Russian television network, Rossiya, Kim will taste lunch borsch, traditional beet and cabbage soup; pelmenies (Siberian ravioli) and caviar.



Leader, dressed in a black coat and a hatHe first met Russian officials at Kasán station near the northern border before heading to the port city of Vladivostok on the Pacific coast.

There he received a bouquet of flowers and was offered traditional bread with salt, as shown by Rossiya's images, about which Kim said that he had arrived in Russia "with a warm feeling".

The Russian honor guard participates in the official reception of Kim Jong-un. / AP

The Russian honor guard participates in the official reception of Kim Jong-un. / AP

"I hope that this visit will be successful and useful, and that during the talks with President Vladimir Putin, he will be able to deal with the problems related to solving the problems of the Korean peninsula and the development of our relations, "he said.

According to the Kremlin, Kim and Putin will focus on Thursday efforts to denuclearize the Korean peninsula at a time when the dialogue between Pyongyang and the United States is going through a difficult time after the failure of the Hanoi summit, in regional cooperation and bilateral relations.

Kim Jong Un is received at his first stop by train, at Kasán station. / AP

Kim Jong Un is received at his first stop by train, at Kasán station. / AP

The North Korean leader also told Kasán that he had "heard a lot of good things" about Russia and He wanted to visit him "for a long time".

"Seven years have pbaded since I took control of the country, but I did not have the opportunity to visit Russia Until now, he said, according to the press office of the administration of the Primorye region of Russia.

Kim Jong-un said that his father, Kim Jong-il, loved Russia and that he intended to remain faithful to tradition and strengthen bilateral cooperation.

"Let's hope that I will visit this country in the future as part of the friendly relations with its president," he said.

The armored train of the North Korean chief. / AP

The armored train of the North Korean chief. / AP

According to Russian media, the North Korean leader also visited the House of Korean-Russian Friendship, also known as "Kim Il-sung House", his grandfather since its construction in 1986. for the view of the former North Korean leader to the Soviet Union.

Kim wants the United States reduce penalties in response to some partial disarmament measures announced last year. But Washington maintains that the sanctions will remain in force until Pyongyang agrees. milestones of denuclearization.

Some experts point out that Kim could try to strengthen his country's ties with Russia and China. Others say that the role Moscow can play in reactivating the nuclear dialogue is not clear. The summit could allow Putin to strengthen his influence on regional politics and stagnate North Korea's nuclear program.

Source: EFE and AP



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