In his campaign against Lula, Bolsonaro warns: “Argentines flee to Brazil”


the President from Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, he said that “Argentines flee to Brazil” to warn his country about the effects that the return of the left, led by former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, could have.

Look at what happens when the left comes back to power. In 2019, I had anticipated it. The Argentines are already fleeing to Brazil. The Brazilians, where are they going to escape? “wondered Bolsonaro, who warned that Lula would win the elections in Brazil only by “fraud”.

The far right, tried by the Supreme Court over a corruption scandal linked to the purchase of coronavirus vaccines, again cited an alleged move by Argentines to leave for Brazil for the second time in a week after having cited testimonies from alleged Argentines based on the coast of the state of San Pablo.

Jair Bolsonaro
Look at what happens when the left comes back to power. In 2019, I had anticipated it. The Argentines are already fleeing to Brazil. The Brazilians, where are they going to escape? “

The Bolsonaro government at a crossroads

You don’t have to have a crystal ball to tell. Whoever makes the wrong choices will pay the price sooner or later “Bolsonaro had said on social networks.

In this sense, Bolsonaro recalled that Lula “is against the democratic vote” for not having supported him in the demand to change the electoral system with an electronic ballot box which has been in force since 1996. “The same people who got Lula out of prison are going to count the votes and that is why they are against the electronic voting controlled by paper votes, Bolsonaro said.

A long time ago, Bolsonaro, an admirer of Donald Trump, went so far as to say that, If the printed vote is not introduced, “something worse” could happen in Brazil than what happened in the United States, where supporters of the Republican president swarmed Congress to expose alleged frauds in his electoral defeat against Democrat Joe Biden.

Jair Bolsonaro 20210709
You don’t have to have a crystal ball to tell. Whoever makes the wrong choices will pay the price sooner or later ”.

Bolsonaro, supported by his military ministers, generates a political crisis

The Brazilian right-wing leader also said that “for two years there has been no corruption in Brazil”, although he admitted to being “accused” of this crime “for a vaccine that was not bought. He recalled that he can travel the country while Lula “cannot go out for a drink in a bar because he is insulted and they say he has 49% intention to vote”.

Bolsonaro’s popularity is at an all-time low, 24%, for its chaotic management of the Covid-19 pandemic which has already claimed more than 550,000 lives in the country and for suspicion of corruption in the purchase of anti-coronavirus vaccines. He is himself the subject of an investigation for having learned of irregularities without having reported them.


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