In his latest publication, a mountaineer who died in the tragedy of Everest predicted a "fatal" outcome


The chronicle of a reported death. The British mountaineer Haynes Fisher, 44, is one of ten people who died during the congestion caused by climbing Mount Everest. In his latest post Instagram, the man I warned of the dangers which has generated this situation in the highest mountain in the world.

Before dying, Fisher shared an image and a video on the social network, where he was tempted to overcome one of the most dangerous areas to reach the summit.

"I climbed to Camp No. 3 at 7500 meters altitude, but the current near the summit made it back down to base camp after two days. mountaineers have tried these two days, with the tragic death of two people: an Indian was found dead in his tent camp 4 and a missing Irishman, probably fallen, in the descent ", he began to explain in its publication.

See this post on Instagram

Climbed up to Camp 3, 7500m, but the jet stream had been fired, closing the summit after only 2 days. So I went down to base camp. About 100 mountaineers made the summit during these 2 days with sadly 2 dead, an Indian found dead in his tent at camp 4 and a lost Irish mountaineer, presumed fallen, in his descent. A go fund page has been created for an Irish climber rescue offer, but it is a well-intentioned but useless gesture. Condolences to their friends and family. The two deaths occurred above 8000 m in the so-called death zone, where most of the deaths of foreign climbers occur. About 700 more people will be heading to the summit starting on Tuesday 21. My revised plan, subject to a weather that looks promising at the moment, is to return to the mountain leaving the base camp on Tuesday, January 21 at 02:30 and, being very lucky, arriving at the top on Saturday 25. I'm going to climb with my sherpa, Jangbu, third on the list of records with 19 incredible highs. The other 4 members of our team decided to stay on the mountain and try to reach the summit on the 21st. My cough started at altitude and I could not wait with them at altitude that the window opened without risk. to physically deteriorate. In addition, I had missed because of the disease of the previous camp. The optimal practice of rotation 3 was that I go down to allow my body to recover from the new altitude so that I can come back stronger. It was not an easy decision, the 13-hour climb between Base Camp and Camp 2 a day being the most difficult physical and mental challenge I have ever faced. Now, I have everything to do again. Finally, I hope to avoid the crowd on the day of the summit and it seems that a number of teams are trying to reach the summit on the 21st. With a single route leading to the summit, the delays caused by overcrowding could be fatal, and I hope that my decision to reach 25 means fewer people. Unless of course everybody plays the same waiting game. #everest # everest2019 #lhotseface

A shared publication of Robin (@ 1c0n0clast22) on

In his travel diary, he explained that about 700 people planned to climb to the summit the same day. At the same time, he said that his state of health was delicate. "My cough came back, so I can not wait long until a window opens in the climate without the risk of physically deteriorating"he added.

The British mountaineer had shared a publication in his networks explaining the dangers of overpopulation. Credit: AFP
The British mountaineer had shared a publication in his networks explaining the dangers of overpopulation. Credit: AFP

With regard to the large number of people who were in the mountains, Fisher predicted that they could generate a tragedy. "Delays in the only rise due to overpopulation of the population they could be fatal. I therefore hope that my decision of the 25th badumes that there are fewer people. Unless everyone uses the same tactics, "he said.

However, it was his last words. Shortly after, at 8600 meters altitude, he died because of extreme conditions and has become one of the ten fatal victims of recent days.

In total, the authorities recorded 10 deaths on Everest. Credit: DPA
In total, the authorities recorded 10 deaths on Everest. Credit: DPA

Babu Sherpa, director of the Peak Promotion shipping company, said overcrowding had clogged the road from Camp 4 to the summit. "Everyone was trying to climb at the same time," he said.

Hundreds of mountaineers travel to Mount Everest and to other peaks of the Himalayas during the spring climbing season. Last year, five people died during this trip.


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