In honor of our Father of the Fatherland: the relationship with his daughter Mercedes according to the stars


On February 25, 1778, in Yapeyú, El Gral, San Martín was born. Merceditas was born on August 24, 1816 in Mendoza.

General San Martín Sol and Venus in Pisces, Moon in Aquarius next to Mercury and Pluto.

He talks about his transcendent personality, his first step in the life of military training, he trained a disciplined character and a great warrior (Mars in Aries). Venus of the Sun in Pisces his submission, his compbadion and his sacrifice for the freedom of South America. Luna, Mercury and Pluto, the strategist ability, the resistance of their diseases with the greatest sense and purpose to fight for freedom, noble, compbadionate, great and a high thought for their time .

Mercedes had the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury and Virgo; so much planetary energy in the same sign shows us that he lives intensely in the first stage of his life, the death of his mother and uprooting, the care of his grandmother, his birthplace , his father's trip to Europe, C is the complexity of this variety of planets together.

Astral Letter San Martin.

This group of planets called stellium shows a detailed, badytical and timid personality, with a great sense of self-criticism. Impeccable in his person and his way of acting, feeling and thinking. Obviously, his character was reinforced by the strict, disciplined and good personality that his father possessed.

The relationship between the letters of the two peoples: Pisces and Virgo are complementary signs, shows a great union of father and daughter. She had Pluto and Chiron in Pisces showing that the crises and the sufferings experienced by her father, like leaving the place where he had given his life and struggled to free himself, exile in Europe, as well as the diseases that were hitting him since he was young, had repercussions on his girlhood experience and his personality development, his father was not an ordinary man, hence his life either.

In the general's letter, Neptune in Virgo touches the Merceditas stellium; As a child, to understand all the changes, all the losses, it must have been difficult and caused a deep pain that, with the time and the kind wisdom of his father, transformed her, he is possible that all this experience has suddenly matured at Merceditas. Saturn in the astral map of Mercedes is in the aquarium touching the moon, Pluto and Mercury of his father, this relationship is that of two souls that must evolve, she formed with the control of her father, in respect of the weakest. the needy, regardless of race or lineage. He receives love, the care of his daughter, the freshness of his granddaughters in full maturity, old age and the end of his life.

The task of every parent is to set a limit and certain rules for raising their children. The experiences, the vicissitudes of the parents, the successes affect their children, but it is a plot of destiny chosen by the souls, united to evolve and complement each other.

To love our father is to love the foundations that have formed us, to build our own way of life, to honor the being who gave us life and the best of what we could give ourselves, to be empowered in the way we choose daily, take the best of It is wisdom.

We, the Argentineans, must remember that we have a Sanmartinian DNA and in particular the people of Mendoza, which we had the honor to have as governor, and that the idea of ​​freedom in South America then been conceived. To practice the teachings, the surrender skills, the nobility and the well-being of this great man, are our bases and our mandates.

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