In India and Vietnam, Macri is betting to generate business for 70 SMEs


The president was accompanied by a delegation of 85 companies, including Techint, despite the gas dispute Source: archive

NEW DELHI.- The potentiality that they represent

India and Vietnam

It's huge. This is what the government thinks, to that end it has developed a strategy
delegation of 85 businessmen to accompany the president

Mauricio Macri

in more than 500 business meetings that will be held here.

In another
good opportunity to strengthen links with Macri, Eduardo Elsztein (IRSA), Gustavo Grobocopatel (Los Grobo), Sergio Nardelli (Vicente), David Uriburu (Techint), Gustavo Martino (HSBC), Alejandro Reca (San Ignacio), Isabel Larrea ( The Second), Esteban Turic (Biogenesis Bagó), Juan Pablo Ordoñez (Invap) and Daniel Pelegrina (Sociedad Rural Argentina) are
part of the group of businessmen and representatives of institutions that the government has invited to participate in the trip to India and Vietnam.

In all
There are 85 businessmen who accompanied Macri. While many of them represent large companies, the fact is that Casa Rosada is betting on this opportunity for SMEs, such as the business Bianco and Nero (chocolate), Pipore (yerba), Ecopotasio del Norte, Cooperar, FAIM and Purchase in the group, a hardware store headed by Daniel Salomon. Out of a total of 85 companies, 70 are SMEs and belong to eleven provinces.

The government has organized 500 meetings for these companies. That's what the secretaries for strategic affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, worked on. international economic relations, Horacio Reyser, and the director of the Argentine Investment Agency, Juan Pablo Tripodi.

The presence of Techint, who took the plane at the last minute, is also a gesture after the confrontation that took place two weeks ago. The government reinterpreted Resolution 46, which provided for subsidies for shale gas produced in Vaca Muerta and provoked the angry reaction of the country's largest company.

Macri, with Awada and his daughter Antonia, at Taj Mahal
Macri, with Awada and his daughter Antonia, at Taj Mahal Credit: Twitter

The reason is that the government has more money to pay for the overproduction of Tecpetrol, the group 's oil company, in Fortín de Piedra, in the middle of the deal.
Standby with the IMF. Techint has proposed to refinance the difference for about 500 million US dollars. Under pressure from YPF and other oil companies, this deal has not prospered. The fight between Techint and the government has intensified. Tecpetrol announced it would lower three of the four teams it produces in Neuquén; In total, there are about 300 people, which allowed the Union of Gas and Private Oil, led by Guillermo Pereyra, to bring 20,000 people to Añelo. In addition, he insisted that Governor Omar Gutiérrez write a public letter to Gustavo Lopetegui to reconsider his position.

The energy secretary did not do it, but called oil workers and unions. Until now, attempts to reconcile positions have not advanced. In this scenario, the invitation went to Techint, who joined the official delegation with Uriburu, institutional steel director for the Techint group and also on behalf of the UIA.

The reason why so many entrepreneurs have been convened is simple: the economies of India and Vietnam have been growing steadily for years, with a rate of 7%. The idea of ​​opening up new markets is one of Macri's goals of reactivating the economy. In India, for example, the concentration is almost absolute: 89% of Argentine exports are soybean oil.

The government is convinced that it is possible to develop other products such as fruits, citrus fruits, legumes and biotechnology, metalliferous minerals, agricultural technologies and wind energy.


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