In many cities, the great solar eclipse of Argentina will be night night – ADNSur


FEDERAL CAPITAL – On July 2 will be held the great solar eclipse of Argentina 2019, a unique astronomical event to contemplate in all its splendor within a band that runs through 6 provinces. In the rest of the country, this will be seen in part. The shadow of the Moon will cross the national territory from east to west at a speed of 3.5 km per second. The phenomenon will last two hours, but it will take two minutes: it will be when the complete superposition of the stars will take place at night in broad daylight.

A solar eclipse is only possible in the new Moon, when the Sun, our satellite and the Earth are aligned and the shadow projected by the lunar star in space touches our planet . The completion and completion time will depend on the location of the observer. The deadline will be extended between 16:25 and 18:45. The maximum eclipse will take place between 17:30 and 17:45.

Every 18 months, there is a total eclipse somewhere on the planet, but it can run out for many years before there is another pbad on an inhabited region. The last visible was August 21, 2017 in the United States. The next will take place on December 14, 2020 and will be seen again in Argentine Patagonia.


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