In May, the largest floating library in the world will arrive in Rosario


On May 31, the Logos Hope will arrive in Rosario, a large ship carrying the world's largest floating bookstore, with one million books and five thousand titles, 60% in Spanish and the rest in English.

The ship will be anchored in the river station until June 23rd and will be able to travel from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 10pm. He will receive all those who wish and the school groups that will have to relay on the Facebook page. :

Admission will be free for schools and children under 12 and over 65 years old. Others will have to pay a fee of 50 pesos.

In the large library you will find all kinds of books, from children's editions to novels, including history books, economics, science, sports and cooking, among hundreds of books. 39; options. They promise that prices will be accessible and that there will be copies from 50 pesos.

Next week, the ship will arrive in Bahía Blanca and from there, it will go to Rosario. The tour will continue through Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata.

The 400 crew members, of more than 60 nationalities, will receive school groups and all those who go to La Fluvial.

The public can visit the big bookstore, have a coffee and watch theatrical performances. "On one of the floors, the team will represent the play The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the well-known story of the Chronicles of Narnia," said Ruven Klunk, l & # 39, one of the members of the German team, who is already in Rosario to prepare to visit

In turn, there will be another great hall where crew members, dressed in their typical costumes, will make known the stories and customs of their home countries.

Culture, help and hope

The Hope Logos ship belongs to a German foundation called GBA Ships, a nonprofit international Christian organization that seeks to bring culture through books, help and hope.

"In addition to books, there will be seminars on current issues such as trafficking in human beings, AIDS and poverty," he said.

And in parallel, the purpose of the boat is also to help the place you visit. The tradition is to collaborate in countries with water problems, and therefore to carry water filters.

Another project of help is to collaborate with glbades for children who need it and also clothes.

All this help will be done in collaboration with local organizations. For this, part of the ship's crew is already in Rosario, making contacts and carrying out the previous procedures to be able to collaborate with the entities of the city.

O.M.'s ships They visit port cities around the world. Since 1970, they have visited more than 435 ports in 140 countries around the world. Twenty years ago, one of them was in Rosario.

Meanwhile, the river station is prepared with a welcome "surprise" to receive the gigantic ship that will remain close to a month in the city.

A few weeks before the arrival of the ship, a fence will be placed to delimit the area and organize the entrance.

To date, an average of one million visitors have been welcomed each year aboard the company's ships.


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