In Mexico to begin to rearm integration | …


From Mexico

Alberto Fernández was received in Mexico with the colors blue and white. The Secretary for Latin American Affairs of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maximiliano Reyes Zúñiga, went to wait at the airport with replicas of the jersey and the ball that dedicated the selection to the World Cup held here in 1986, the unforgettable one of Diego Maradona. It was a welcome gesture for a trip in which Fernández and the Andrés Manuel López Obrador government hoped that it would work as the beginning of the reconstruction of this progressive regional integration led by Néstor Kirchner many years ago. and Lula, ruined by the arrival of right-wing governments such as Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro. In the Argentinian delegation, they also wish to listen to the economic proposals that AMOO has entrusted to Fernandez and which he wished to put forward, with the aim of increasing bilateral exchanges.

Fernandez already knew Maximiliano Reyes because he went to visit his offices in San Telmo last week, where they finished confirming the trip. Alberto Fernández wanted to meet López Obrador since the campaign. The former Chilean Senator Marco Enriquez-Ominami – he is also here – is part of the bonds that unite the two men. He collaborates with the president-elect with his contacts in international politics and seeks to encourage the many coincidences he says he sees between the positions of AMLO and Fernandez.

Fernandez left Ezeiza Friday on an Aeromexico flight and arrived early Saturday at Benito Juarez Airport DF. For the first time, his partner Fabiola Yáñez accompanied him, as well as Felipe Solá, Miguel Cuberos, the economist Cecilia Todesca and the spokesman Juan Pablo Biondi. The Argentine ambassador to Mexico, Ezequiel Sabor, was known for his adherence to macrismo.

The visit took place a few hours after Donald Trump's congratulatory call, with which Fernández had promised to maintain a "mature and cordial" relationship. Nobody in the entourage was encouraged to analyze whether the call of the US president just a day before the match had been intentional or casual, but they worried about the possibility of the event. exclude any possibility of future conflict. "Our idea is to bring together a group of progressive ideas, but there is no spirit of politics against the US If the State Department's concern is what Lopez Obrador can do or we , which remains calm, "replied one of yesterday. members of the entourage of the Camino Real Hotel, decorated with floral compositions and sculptures reminiscent of the Day of the Dead, were held yesterday.

The appointment with López Obrador will take place tomorrow at the National Palace at 11 o'clock.. Then they will share a lunch. There is nothing planned on the agenda. Near Alberto Fernández, they pointed out that when López Obrador called him to congratulate him on the electoral triumph and closed the meeting, Venezuela was not mentioned as one topics to discuss. Both have a very similar position with regard to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of countries, so they maintain non-intervention and continuity of dialogue as a solution. In short, they do not coincide with the positions of the Lima group, which both countries integrate, but at the request of the other presidents.

For their part, AMLO and Fernández are working on the continuity of the Puebla group, which includes some thirty progressive leaders who met for the first time last July and who will now have their second chapter in Buenos Aires next weekend. Alberto Fernández believes that it is important that the government of a regional power, such as Mexico, looks back to Latin America. Especially at a time when the other country of weight, Brazil, by the hand of Bolsonaro, is dedicated to torpedo any initiative of integration.

But there will also be economic issues in the speech, hence the presence of Todesca and Matías Kulfas, who will arrive Monday. They will meet separately with the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy Minister of Industry. They will look at trade links, maybe reviving some of the things that used to work, just like the auto industry.

Tomorrow too, in the afternoon, Alberto Fernández will meet businessman Carlos Slim, one of the richest men in the world. During Kirchnerism, Slim was able to establish good relations with Cristina Kirchner and Fernández, who will now seek to revitalize themselves. Later, he will receive ten of the best Mexican businessmen investing in the country, who will seek to know with his lips what will be his first steps. The entourage was in a good mood regarding negotiations with the IMF after dialogue with Trump, who told him that he had asked his agency representatives to continue to support the country.

Alberto Fernández will be resting this weekend to recover a little from the countryside. Last night, invited by the Minister of Culture of Mexico, he went to the famous Blue House of the artist Frida Kahlo, in the center of Coyoacán. They also took him to see some skullcars parading along the Paseo de la Reforma for the celebration of the day of the dead.


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