In order to open new markets, Mauricio Macri will lead a tour in Asia


With the mission to open new markets For Argentine products, President Mauricio Macri will undertake this Friday a tour of three countries considered key countries of Asia, since it is about India, Vietnam and other countries. United Arab Emirates.

Macri will begin its official activities on Monday a meeting in New Delhi with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi (whom he already knew from his meeting at the G20), while he will travel to Mumbai Tuesday, where are installed the main companies of this country.

Soon, he will go to Vietnam where, from February 20 to 21, he will hold meetings with business leaders in the fields of agro-industrial technology, biotechnology, fisheries and hides.

The economic and commercial profile of the visit is clear at a time when the president will keep his offices in the two cities – 588 kilometers apart – with Argentinian and Indian businessmen, with a clear aim to try to sell national products in this part of the continent. Asian

Chancellor Jorge Faurie stressed Telam that "this is a trip that has, essentially, a commercial economic component, given that India represents a huge growth potential for Argentine exports. "

In addition, said the goal "is to increase the presence of Argentine products purchased in these markets and that, for this reason, a delegation of 35 Argentine businessmen is visiting various sectors and sectors of interest for each of the Indian markets and Vietnam ", the two most important destinations of this presidential tour.

Faurie pointed out that "there are already some, like those of Grupo Tata in Argentina", a conglomerate that brings together the fields of communication and information systems, engineering, materials , services, energy, consumer goods and chemicals.

In India, where he plans to arrive on Sunday, Macri will be present that day and Monday in New Delhi – the capital, where the government has a seat and nearly 22 million inhabitants – and Tuesday in Mumbai, or Mumbai , as he knows it, with nearly 19 million inhabitants and the economic heart of this country.

Regarding the trip to the United Arab Emirates, Faurie said it would be brief, taking advantage of "this is part of the normal journey of the return flight from Vietnam," he said. "The president travels by airliner and the first stop is that one."

New markets

This Tuesday, Macri celebrated the first shipment of Argentine rice to Japan, producer and historical consumer of this food. In a message posted on Instagram, the president celebrated the mailing by commenting on a comment from Japan's ambbadador to Argentina.

"For the first time in decades, Argentine rice goes to Japan, I hope we will also import organic legumes and more Argentinean products," said Japan's Ambbadador Noriteru Fukushima.


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