In photos: 4 new members of the African elephant family in Puebla


Lester It is one of the 4 new members in the family of african elephants sheltering in the park Africa Safari in Puebla, the pachyderm was named in honor of the company that decided to grant its maintenance, because it is estimated that every proboscis needs a million and a half per year for food, each elephant consumes 230 liters per day, and ingest approximately 1.3 tons In the food. The pachyderms found in the theme park are part of the species conservation program, since in Africa each 24 hours 100 elephants are hunted to occupy the ivory they contain in their tusks.

The four little limbs were a playful noraton.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
The four little limbs were a playful noraton. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
Adult elephants are still waiting for the cubs PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
Adult elephants await cubs PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
A calf wanders among the adults at the event.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
A calf roams among the adults during the event. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
All four elephants were born during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
All four elephants were born during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
The adult elephants also interacted with each other during the new member introduction event.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021
The adult elephants also interacted with each other during the Newcomer Introductory Event. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM June 17, 2021

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