In photos, the impact of the coronavirus on the world: die, cry and despair in a pandemic


Despair, tears, grief and unemployment. The coronavirus, which claimed more than two million lives in one year around the world, sows sadness and desolation and paralyzes economic life around the world. Ten photos of the agency AFP taken in January reflect this harsh reality:

Meissen, germany, January 20, 2021:

“At this moment we are receiving 400 (coffins) within a week to be cremated “, twice more than the usual amount, says Jörg Schaldach, director of the crematorium in Meissen, a city in eastern Germany. “Those who deny the coronavirus, come help us carry the coffins. We loaded 750 tonnes of dead into our hands, ”he says.

Crematorium in Meissen, Germany. (AFP)

Manaus, brazil, January 20, 2021:

“Saturday was the worst day,” says Roberto Freitas, 32, in the Brazilian city of Manau, state capital Amazonas. “A municipal employee told me that oxygen would not arrive in time and that he could call a refrigerated truck to pick up the body. I just have to cry, ”he said.

Relatives of people infected with the coronavirus wait to recharge their oxygen tanks in Manaus, capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. (AFP)

Tokyo, Japan, January 19, 2021:

“There is no more work. Nothing! A 46-year-old Japanese worker named Yuishiro resignedly admits. “In Japan, the press doesn’t often talk about it, but a lot of people sleep in stations, between boxes. Some are starving, ”he adds.

Despite his unsuccessful search, Yuishuiro cannot find a job in Japan. (AFP)

Apple Valley, California, January 13, 2021:

“This is without a doubt the darkest moment of my entire career. There’s no doubt about it, ”says Kari McGuire, a nurse who oversees palliative care at the rural Apple Valley County Hospital in California. “East astronomically, I have never seen so many deaths before ”.

Two healthcare professionals treat a coronavirus patient at Apple Valley Hospital in California. (AFP)

Los Angeles, Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital, January 13, 2021:

“It’s hard. We are human and we do what we can “ sentence Vanessa Arias, nurse in the intensive care unit at Martin Luther King Hospital in one of Los Angeles’ poorest neighborhoods. But we saw so many deaths in recent weeks. We are fully in the eye of the storm, ”she adds with resignation.

An image of the work of nurse Vanessa Arias at Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital in Los Angeles. (AFP)

Los Angeles Undertakers Company, January 16, 2021:

“Last weekend I had to reject 16 families for those who could not organize a funeral (…) ”, deplores Candy Boyd, the owner of the funeral directors in Los Angeles (California). “The situation becomes out of control”, Add.

Candy Boyd, owner of the Los Angeles Undertakers. (AFP)

Toluca, mexico, January 11, 2021:

“Here, to have a bed, you have to wait for someone die or go … It’s difficult, but that’s how it is, ”laments Angel Zuñiga, coordinator of the Red Cross in Toluca, a city in Mexico.

A coronavirus patient with a healthcare professional at the Red Cross Hospital in the Mexican city of Toluca. (AFP)

Wuhan, China, January 11, 2021:

“Wuhan is now the city safest in China and even in the world “ said Xiong Liansheng, 66. A year ago, Wuhan, a city in central China, was considered the focus of the pandemic.

Three young people on motorcycles in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the pandemic began. (AFP)

Kumbh Mela Festival, India, January 13, 2021:

“India is not like Europe when it comes to immunity, we are Better prepared. It’s really sad that not many people come to Kumbh Mela more, just out of fear of a sneeze or a cough, ”says Sanjay Sharma, a 50-year-old pilgrim. Yet at the same time he adds: “The greatest truth in the world is dead. What is the use of living in fear?

A large number of Hindu parishioners take a sacred bath in the waters of the Ganges in India. (AFP)

Harare, Zimbabwe, January 17, 2021:

“That’s all we had left. Respect for our dead. And this government insensitive, unaware of our reality, deprives us about it ”complains Kepekepe, 49, from Harare, Zimbabwe. He has just buried his father among strangers, in a few ungrateful minutes.

The man named Kepekepe buries his father in the cemetery in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. (AFP)


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