In pictures: the attack left 63 dead and 182 injured during a wedding in Afghanistan


The Islamic State (IS) militia on Sunday received the suicide bombing that killed 63 people and wounded 182 others in a wedding reception hall Saturday in Kabul.

The victims At the party, there were children who were affected by the blast. (AP)

In a statement issued by the telegram, the armed group said that his militiaman had been slaughtered for the first time. He had identified the name of Abu Asem al Pakistani in the lobby, and then a car bomb exploded at the entrance.

63 dead. This is the record of the attack. (AP)

The militia generally announces a greater number of victims in the attacks and the attacks that it claims.

Afghan soldier Look at the place after the attack. (AP)

The statement also explains that the attack was aimed at this marriage because it was aimed at hurting "renegade polytheists", a reference that seems to refer to the country's Shia minority, this time to the Hazara community.

"The barbaric acts against civilians are forbidden and unjustifiable." The Taliban turned to social networks to detach from the attack. (AP)

Just ten days ago, a car bomb of the Taliban insurgent movement entered a bustling area of ​​western Kabul in the wedding hall district, killing 14 people and 145 others. wounded.

Afghan soldier look at the area of ​​the attack. (AP)

In addition, this Saturday, hours before the suicide bombing, at least 38 Taliban were killed in fighting against security forces in the provinces of Balj and Fará, authorities said.

These incessant battles and attacks perpetrated by the Taliban, usually directed against security forces or state agents, and ISIL attacks fuel a scene of great violence in much of the country. despite the ongoing peace dialogue between the United States, the Taliban and the United States. The Afghan government.


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