The guardian of a Mexican nursery school has committed suicide after murdering his son with a knife. Prior to the incident, the 42-year-old man telephoned his wife, whom he threatened: "Where do you think I am, if you want to see your son, come and get him", he told him.
The mother, Mildred Martínez, badured that her husband had mental problems and that she was taking care of the child while she was cleaning the hotels of Cosoloacaque, located in Veracruz.
According to local media, Lázaro Alfonso went to the children's home "Rosalía Castro" for the youngest of his children, took him to a distant place of teachers and was cut the veins with a razor. Seeing that he was still alive, heor hit to kill him.
After receiving the phone call, the mother went about 100 meters from her home to get to the educational institution. However, when he arrived instead, he was already late.
Finally, the man, who temporarily provided cleaning services in educational institutions, was found in a clbadroom, where he had a rope ready to hang himself.
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