in Santa Fe, they want to recover the level of pre-pandemic mammograms


For this reason, in October, as the world commemorates the month of breast cancer There will be various dissemination activities, and above all, on-demand clinics will be open so that women, who are most affected by this cancer, can easily access the corresponding assessment which includes a mammogram and in many cases, in addition , a breast ultrasound.

The breast cancer it has a high incidence in Latin America. Severe cases increased in 2020 due to postponement of checks.

Last year alone, 210,000 new cases were diagnosed in Latin America and there were 57,500 deaths from breast cancer.

In Santa Fe, according to Agency data, the breast cancer it represents 17% of the total number of tumors recorded per year.

This is the first incidence among women in the province.

Necessary checks

This year’s mammogram campaign aims to get back to checkups, especially women between the ages of 50 and 70, who are most likely to have a malignant breast tumor (men can also be diagnosed but are only 1 % of cases).

In any case, specialists remind that this can occur at any age, it is therefore necessary to consult the gynecologist or mastologist annually, and to do so especially before the age of 50 for women with a family history.

If there is a grandmother, a mother, a sister who has breast cancer at a young age, this woman should have the first mammogram 10 years before the age at which her parent was diagnosed. In other words, if the mother had cancer at age 40, she should have a checkup at age 30.

Authorized places

In October, breast pathology clinics will operate with greater availability.

Breast exams, family history assessment and referral for walk-in mammograms will be performed in:

Eva Perón de Granadero Baigorria Hospital: in October, from 8 to 10.

Hospital Centenario de Rosario: From October 18 to 22, from 8 to 14.

Anselmo Gamen Hospital in Villa Gobernador Gálvez: Monday 26, Wednesday 28 and Friday 30 October from 8 to 12.

Early diagnosis

Dr Graciela López de Degani, director of the Agency for the fight against cancer of Santa Fe, said that in different cities of the province, in October, there will be “a different modality with attention to demand” and has stressed: “We want to recover pre-pandemic levels of care.”

The specialist pointed out that during 2020 checks fell by more than 70%, but pointed out that in the last three months of this year, women have returned to apply to hospitals.

The areas where mammograms and breast ultrasounds are done (which in some cases have been closed because they were located in the same places where lung studies were done on Covid patients) now have positions available.

“We have recovered activity by 30% and we are looking to reach pre-pandemic levels because the discovery of a small tumor allows high cure rates,” he said.

Even in more advanced tumors “we ask patients not to be discouraged, to control themselves, to continue the indicated treatments because the chances of having a good quality of life and even of being cured exist”.

Many women delay medical exams out of fear or because they are minimizing the risks. “It’s not uncommon to hear that someone doesn’t have a mammogram because they’re scared to find something and that’s the exact opposite of what to do and there are people who find a lump in the breast and that paralyzes them and they don’t have him consulted, ”said López de Degani.

What to keep in mind

While the breast cancer It can occur at any age and even without a family history, there are risk factors to consider as they can increase the risk of getting sick.

Be over 50 years old.

Personal story of breast cancer or preneoplastic breast disease.

Family history of breast cancer.

Previous treatment with radiotherapy to the chest.

Hormone replacement therapy.

First menstruation at an early age.

Old age at the time of the first childbirth or never having had children.

In addition, being overweight, sedentary and excessive alcohol consumption are factors that can be avoided to reduce the risk of having breast cancer.

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