In Spain, a woman and her daughter died in just three hours from coronavirus


“We don’t understand how to comfort him. Our souls have fallen between us ”. The story of a doctor from Alicante goes around the world. Healthcare professional has no words to contain the pain of a man who has just lost his wife and daughter coronavirus.

Since the start of the pandemic, they have been listening daily dramas of all kinds, but without a doubt one of the most resonant of the past few weeks is the one that happened to a family in town Spanish from Elche, in the province of Alicante. There they died from COVID 19, and within three hours, a woman and her 19-year-old daughter.

The family drama was first revealed on Twitter by Julio Armas Castro, a local emergency doctor, who treated the 55-year-old father at the hospital where he works. The man went to the health center to request a report on the deaths of the two women to be presented to insurance.

Doctor Julio Armas Castro, who revealed the heartbreaking family drama on Twitter, receives his coronavirus vaccine.

In this context, Armas Castro learned of the dramatic situation which also moved the medical team, and decided to publish the story on the networks.

In his Twitter profile, the medical professional said: “A 55-year-old man, his wife and 19-year-old daughter have just died of COVID. He comes because the insurance asks him I don’t know what role and he doesn’t understand. And U.S neither do we understand how to comfort him. We have all lost our soul. And so these fucking days go by that we have to live ”.

The doctor was the first to hear the heartbreaking story. Interviewed by SER chain, noted: “For a man, that his wife and daughter die on the same day, just three hours apart and both from Covid, no words of comfort. When they called me because the man needed a report and told us what had happened, our souls have fallen to the ground. Her tears fell like slabs. “

The number of cases confirmed at the hospital del Vinalopó de Elche, where he works, they are worse than in March. “The speed of contagion is higher, there are more whole families infected and more young people who enter with bilateral pneumonia”, warned the doctor.

Across the country it’s the same or worse

The second wave of coronavirus continues shot in europe and in particular in Spain, which almost triple the level of infections considered to be high risk, while the advisability of advancing the curfew in the state of alarm prevailing in the country is debated.

Spain notified 34,291 new positives for Covid-19 on Tuesday, which has been raising infections since the start of the pandemic in 2,370,742. This represents a further increase in the cumulative incidence to 714.21 cases per 100,000 population, 25 more than yesterday, and almost triple of the 250 considered to be at high risk.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Health, 404 deaths have been recorded since Monday, bringing the number of dead since March, this already equates to 54,173.

Also continue increasing hospital pressure, with 24,185 patients admitted. Of these, 3,416 are in intensive care, with an average occupation of 33.6% of the total of these units throughout Spain. Although there are regions far above such as the case of Valence (53.8%), who had to resort to a field hospital to treat patients.

The number vaccinations already applied against the disease is close to a million, with 966,097, of which 957,314 come from the alliance of laboratories Pfizer and BioNtech and 8,783 from Moderna, with a percentage of 84.5% of injections applied compared to those received, which are 1,143,300, according to the Spanish health portfolio.


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