In Spain, they think that the next Argentine government will continue to fight against inflation and the dollar


Alejandra Kindelan, Director of the Research and Public Policy Department of the Santander Group, explained that "the world is experiencing a growth lower than in the past" due to the fact that the main economies are very close to the limit of their potential capacity and United and China voltage.

Especially about Argentina, Sergio Galván, chief economist of Santander in the country, said that the difficulties facing our country are due to the problems of specialists to guess the predictions of key variables and electoral uncertainty. "Elections are like a wall that limits the distance you can see, the only thing we can do is spy on the wall"he said.

In this context, he spoke of a "high demand" level of inflation, contrary to what is happening in the rest of the region, and showed a chart with a forecast of 39% per year for 2019, a decrease in GDP of 0.5. % a dollar at $ 52 and a current account deficit of 2% of GDP.


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As for the economy that will receive the next government, or "autonomy" in the event that it is the president himself who will be re-elected, Galván enumerated. positive data lower external deficit, healthier fiscal accounts, better energy situation, tighter relative prices, balanced provincial accounts and a better relationship with the world.

What negative, the economist mentioned the Deud managementa (which in any case is referred to as a "fund"), the difficulties in terms of exchange rate and inflation, the lack of private investment, the need to improve the productivity of the economy and the high tax burden.

"Despite the problems we all know, the starting point for the next government will be better than 2015. But the margin for further improvement is very limited and any missteps that may come later could aggravate the crisis, "he said.


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