In Sunday's hearing, 5 guilty of killing Fernanda – Daily Neuquén


The popular jury sentenced the five defendants in the murder of young Fernanda Pereyra. To the four men as co-authors and to the woman as a secondary participant. The jury did not consider the relationship of the couple between one of the accused and the victim, so it was not considered a femicide.

The verdict was made public after half past ten in the evening.

Criminal figure was finally aggravated homicide by the participation of two or more people.

After giving emotional testimony, Norma Lucero-mother of Fernanda Pereyra, the young woman murdered in July last year in Rincon de los Sauces- suffered a serious decompensation and had to be admitted to the hospital. Hospital Bouquet Roldán.

Lucero wanted to testify at the end of the day of the allegations and before the deliberation of the jury. Visibly anxious, she remembered Fernanda, even with the life – related complications of drug abuse, so much so that she broke down in the middle of the story and asked for something else. help to leave the room

. At nine o'clock in the morning, the court deliberated on the basis of what was heard in the ten hearings, which meant 30 hours of testimony and 9 final pleadings.

The prosecutor argued early from Juan Agustín García. investigation after the resignation of prosecutor Fabián Flores, García has ratified the charge against the five defendants, based on the images of security cameras, on the sheets of telephone communications and messages, and on the 39, expertise at a trace of tread found the entourage of the place where they found the corpse.

Next, the plaintiff Marcelo Hertzriken Velazco alleged, who adhered to what was raised by García but he made n a chronological account and based on 103 indications that, in his opinion, would be conclusive .

After a fourth intermission, it was the turn of the defenses. Gustavo Palmieri, defender of Andrea Peruca and Osvaldo Castillo, discredited the validity of evidence gathered by police and justice throughout the investigation. "There is no certainty about anything," he said, noting that his clients sheltered Fernanda for a few months in complicated times for the young woman.

Quintero Marco, defender of the brothers Diego and Fabio Marillán, said: they give us the reason; they could not be in two places at the same time at the same time. "And

The defense lawyers of the five accused disqualified the investigation developed by the police and justice, arguing that the evidence was manipulated and that the line of investigation was" tendentiously directed "to his clients

arguments, the lawyers asked the people's jury a declaration of not guilty.

Last words

Finally, the judge gave the possibility of the last word to the l. accused, and they said:

Andrea Peruca: "I wanted Iron to be a sister. He lived at home for a few months, he ate what I ate. I can not hurt him. All I ask is that they are right. "

Osvaldo Castillo:" We loved her and we took care of her (Fernanda). We have never had a fight with her.

Diego Marillán: "I am innocent, they accused me of everything, they investigated me for drugs and they always gave negative results."

Fabio Marillán: "I am innocent. I had nothing to do with the death of Fernanda Pereyra, I never had a relationship with her, I was never at the intersection of Chubut and San Martin Streets, nor did I have anything to do with it. inside the Toyota truck I was not at the place called El Olivo either. "

Carlos Luciano Hernández:" With Fernanda, I had some very beautiful I never wished him anything bad or I did something wrong to him.He was a very ailing person and I thought I had fallen from the sky.We both had addiction issues , and when I saw that I could not go on with my company, I decided to open it, but I still had contacts with it. J & # 39; I have two children, I lost my marriage and I lost my businesses. I hope they will give a just verdict. "

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