In the city of Buenos Aires, a 48-hour financial shock is expected: steps must be taken


"The sheet is short and the dollars used to hold the market will not be next year to pay the debt. The country risk will be very high, unless Alberto offers a credible plan, with a partner that the market considers valid, "added the operator. According to the Sticky economist, it will be essential to know who will be the link between Alberto, the Monetary Fund and Washington. "Guillermo Nielsen would be an alternative"slipped the member of the Center for Economic Studies of the South (CESUR).

"The government will have to activate the economic policy tools of the Central Bank to avoid spermization of this situation. You will need to monitor term deposits and the exchange rate issue. The first 48 or 72 hours are a shock and you must act. Alberto and his team will have to give more definitions in economic matters, "he said. "The campaign mode is abandoned and the government and the Front of all have to go into transition mode. The difference was so great that there is no doubt that the government changed in December "He concluded.

Dust off the sale of reserves to mitigate the negative impact

Financial badyst Gustavo Ber expect a negative reaction from the markets. "From the beginning of the wheel, strong downward pressure would be observed on ADRs and bonds, which had repeated significant recoveries in recent months before the polls most conducive to the ruling party. This is why early liquidations would be triggered more aggressively by foreigners, and local badets would be "hostages" of an unfavorable technical situation, even at the risk of overtaking. facing excessive penalties. evaluations ", considered in the dialogue with this media.

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On the dollar, Ber is expecting an "important escalation" from the beginning of the wheel. "The evolution during this period will be subject to the monetary and exchange rate decisions adopted by the BCRA. Indeed, the operators will be attentive to the recent "mix" of interventions on the futures and the increase of the rate of Leliq, even if it must be reinforced in its rhythm, it can quickly dust off the sale of reserves in order to protect the negative impact that would have renewed episodes of tension on exchange rates, "he explained.

"Investors will be alert to the political signals of the ruling party and the opposition that aim to coordinate actions for the rapid transmission of economic and financial tranquility, which will be crucial to get through this complex period in an orderly manner. "said Mr. Ber.

Central bank can sell dollars in cash

For Christian Buteler We must wait for a reaction from the Central Bank to contain the exchange rate. "The reference banks is crazy, it may be to cover. The plant will have to work with all its tools, "he said. However, he announced a "very hard" blow to bonds. "You already see prices of -15% and up to -25% in dollars," indicated.


Guido Sandleris.

Guido Sandleris.

"The plant will try to soften, but it will not be easy. It will be a very complicated day to contain the exchange rate. The cash selling weapon kept him for a moment like this. "he condemned.


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