In the confessional, I understood the tragedy of abortion


Back in Rome, after his apostolic visit to Panama, on the occasion of the 34th World Youth Day, the pontiff responded as usual to the questions of some journalists who accompanied him in the # 39; air.

Among the topics he talked about, he talked about Venezuela for which he asked for a peaceful solution: The bloodshed scares me, he said. On the subject of abuse, he said that at the February meeting, we should be aware of the drama and have protocols, the bishops should know what to do.

He also spoke of the tragedy of abortion and said that to understand this tragedy, one must be religious and help women to come to terms with the unborn child. I tell them to women who have this anguish: your son is in heaven, talk to him, tell him the song of the cradle that he could not sing to him.

Press conference in flight

The Acting Director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, opened the press conference inviting the Pontiff to speak.

Francisco started by thanking the press men for their work. Good afternoon and good rest, of course, after the trip, everyone is tired. Thank you for your work. Also for me were things that I had not imagined. The surprises

The pontiff emphasized the testimony of the Honduran girl, victim of bullying, who sang with a beautiful voice and a song written by her about this drama. The pope also said that before leaving the apostolic nunciature, he had had a brief meeting with UNICEF representatives in Central America, accompanied by the testimony of two girls and those who worked with them. I listen to things that touch the heart. This trip was strong.

The first question concerned the Panamanian journalists, hosts of the meeting, who asked the pope:

What was the Pope's mission in Panama? What impact? What moved her? Did you fulfill this mission at WYD?

My mission in a day of youth is the mission of Peter, confirm it in the faith. Not with fros, or mandatory orders, but letting me touch the heart and react to what was emerging. I do not understand because in my life it's hard to think that anyone can complete a mission with just his head. You must feel to fulfill a mission. And when you feel, they hit you.

Life strikes you, problems strike you. Mission always involves you. At least it concerns me. Be because I am tano and I go back. It concerns me. I always say to young people: what you have to do in life, you have to do it by walking and with the three languages: that of the head, the heart and the hand. And the three harmonic languages. So that they think what they feel and what they do, feel what they think and what they do, do what they do feel and think.

I do not take stock of the mission. With all this, I always go in prayer, and I stay there, before the Lord. Sometimes I fall asleep before the Lord, but by carrying all these things that I have experienced in the mission. And I ask you to confirm in faith by mr. This is how I confirm the Pope's mission, how I live. In some cases, for example, some dogmatic difficulties have been raised. And I can not answer him only with reason, I must act differently.

The thermometry that determines whether a trip meets expectations is fatigue. And I'm filtered, says the pope.

Early pregnancy and bad education

Journalist Edwin Cabrera Uribe of Radio Panam immediately questioned the pope about the tragedy of early pregnancy, pointing out that there were only 10,000 in Panama just last year and that this has not been different in Central America.

I would like to know the opinion of Pope Francis on bad education, ask

I think in schools you have to give bad education. Sex is a gift from God. This is not the cuckoo. It is a gift from God to love. The fact that some people use it to make money, to exploit others, is another problem. But you have to give bad education. Objective, as it is without ideological colonization. Because if you give a bad education full of ideological colonization, destroy the person.

Sex as a gift from God must be educated. No rigidity. Educate, it is bring out the best of the person, accompany him in his journey.

The problem concerns education officials, be it at the national, provincial or school level, which teachers choose this manual or which textbooks, and so on. I saw none of these vegetables. There are really things that ripen and things that hurt. But I think, I do not know if it is objective or not that there is no bad education in Panama. I say that without going into the political problem of Panama: there must be bad education for boys. Ideally, start at home, with parents. This is not always possible because of so many situations in families or because they do not know how to do it. Then, it is the school that provides what otherwise creates a void that will fill any ideology.

You are not Catholic if you do not testify

Asked what are the difficulties and reasons that keep young people away from the Church, Francisco replied:

There are so many. Some are personal. But the most general, I believe that the first, is the lack of testimony of Christians, priests, bishops, I do not say popes because it is too (re). But also. The lack of testimony. If a pastor is an entrepreneur or organizer of a pastoral plan, if a pastor is not close to people, this pastor does not give the testimony of a pastor. The pastor must be with the people. Shepherd of the flock.

The shepherd must be ahead of the flock, to mark the path, in the middle of the flock, to smell the smell of people and understand what he feels, what he needs, how he feels, and behind the flock to protect the back.

But if a pastor does not live with pbadion, people feel abandoned, or with a feeling of contempt, feel orphaned. And besides the shepherds, Christians, Catholics, hypocrites, Catholic hypocrites, who go every Sunday to Mbad but do not pay what suits them, they pay in black, they exploit people, then they go in the Caribbean, not only the papers, but on vacation, with the exploitation of the people. No, I'm Catholic, I go to church every Sunday, but if you do that, you give a counter-testimony. And that's what I think is keeping people away from the church.

Also lay people, everyone. Do not say that you are Catholic if you do not testify. Say you have a Catholic education, but you are lukewarm, mundane. I'm sorry, but do not look at me as an example, it could be said. I'm afraid of Catholics because they think they are perfect. But history repeats itself, the same Jesus with the doctors of the law: I thank you, Lord, because I am not like those, poor sinner, it is not worth it.

That's the lack of testimony. There are others, personal difficulties, sometimes arguments, but the most general is that one.

Celibacy is a gift for the Church

Allow yourself, according to the Eastern rite, married men to be priests, they asked the pontiff.

Francisco replied that the Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite can do it. The choice is made of celibacy or getting married before the diaconate.

In the Latin rite, a phrase of St. Paul VI comes to mind: I prefer to give my life before changing the law of celibacy. At this point, it has come to my mind and I want to say it because it is a courageous phrase and I said it a little louder than that. Personally, I think that celibacy is a gift for the Church.

Second, I do not agree with optional celibacy. No. Only there will be a possibility in the most remote posts, I think of the Pacific Islands, but we must think when there is a pastoral necessity, the pastor should think of the faithful.

It's a thing under discussion at Telogos, it's not a decision. My decision is celibacy. Optional celibacy before the diaconate, no. Question my, personal. I will not do it it's clear. I am closed maybe. I do not feel confronted with God with this decision.

The pontiff quoted Father Lobinger's book on the problem of the lack of priests in remote areas: Who makes the Eucharist? These communities, the organizers of the community are religious, secular or secular. Can a former groom be ordered? The thesis of l Could one ordain an old married man? But it only exercises the sanctifying munis (mission): to celebrate mbad, to administer the sacrament of reconciliation and the unity of the sick.

Priestly ordination has three forms of tasks: the regendi, what the pastor orders, the docendi, what he teaches; and sanctifying it, all this comes with order. But the bishop only gives the license for sanctification. That's the thesis. The book is interesting.

This may help you think about the problem. I think the problem has to be opened in this direction. Where there is a pastoral problem because of the lack of a priest, I am not saying that it should be done, because I do not think, I do not remember enough, but theologians have to study. For example.

He was talking to a State Secretariat official, a bishop who was supposed to be working in a communist country at the beginning of the revolution, when they saw how the revolution was going on, from around age 50: the bishops ordered hidden peasants. Good, religious. Then, after the crisis, thirty years later, the problem was solved and he told me the emotion he felt when, during a concelebration, I saw these peasant brothers with the hands of peasants dressed at dawn to concelebrate with the bishops. In the history of the Church, this has happened. It's something to think about and pray for.

The tragedy of abortion in the confessional

Asked about the drama of abortion and whether the defense of life in the womb also includes the suffering of women in these situations and whether it corresponds to their message of mercy. Pope Francis replied:

The message of mercy is for everyone, including the human person in the making. It's for everyone. After this failure, mercy reigns as well.

A mercy difficult because the problem is not to give the pardon, but to accompany a woman who became aware of the abortion. These are terrible dramas.

Once I've heard a doctor talk about a theory, I do not remember very well that a barely conceived fetus cell goes into the mother's mula and that there is a physical memory. This is a theory, but it is useful to say that a woman, when she thinks of what she did, I tell you the truth, it is necessary to be in the confessional and to give consolation I can not to say nothing, but many times to meet the son

I often advise them to cry and have this anxiety. I tell them your son is in heaven, talk to him, write the song you can not sing to him. And there is a reconciliation of the mother with the son, God has already forgiven. God always forgives Mercy is something that must also be worked out.

The drama of abortion, to understand it well, one must be in a confessional. It's terrible

I suffer for what is happening in Venezuela

I support all the Venezuelan people right now because it is a suffering people. Even those who are on one side and the other. The whole city suffers. And if I came to say: pay attention to these countries, listen to those others who say that, put me in a role that I do not know. It will be a pastoral imprudence on my part and will hurt me.

The words thought, rethink, and I think that with this I express my loved ones, what I feel. I am suffering for what is happening in Venezuela right now. And that's why I want you to agree, I do not know, and you do not agree. A just and peaceful solution. What is it that scares me? the bloodshed. And I also ask the greatness of helping those who can help solve the problem.

The problem of violence terrifies me. After all the efforts in Colombia, what happened at the cadet school the other day was terrifying. The blood is not resolved. That's why I must be – I do not like the word – balanced. I have to be a pastor, everyone, to see, and if they need help, agree, they ask for it. I believe it.

The February meeting and the crisis of abuse

What are your expectations or hopes for the February meeting so that the Church can rebuild trust between the faithful and their bishops? They asked the pope, continuing:

The idea of ​​this was born in the G9. We see that some bishops do not understand well or do not know what to do or do a good thing and another bad. We feel the responsibility to give a catechesis on this problem to episcopal conferences, and that is why presidents are called. A catechesis which, in the first place, becomes aware of the drama.

What is a child abused? I regularly receive abused people. I remember a 40 year old who could not pray. The suffering is terrible. First, be aware of this.

Second, they know what to do, the procedure. Because sometimes the bishop does not know what to do, it's something that has become very strong but that has not reached all angles, let's say it. And then, that the general programs are made but that they reach all the episcopal conferences. What the bishop should do, what the archbishop should do, the Metropolitan, what the conference chairman should do, but be clear. So that there are clear protocols. This is the main thing.

But before what should be done, that's what I said before, be aware. There will be prayers, testimonials to help raise awareness, and then a penitential liturgy to ask forgiveness from the entire Church. They work well in preparing for this.

I allow myself to say that I perceive an inflated expectation. It is necessary to deflate expectations on these points that I say because the problem of abuse continues. It is a human problem. Human everywhere. The statistics of the other day, those that say that 50% of cases are reported, 20% heard and decreases. And it ended like this: 5% is doomed. It's terrible Terrible

It's a human drama that one needs to become aware of. Even we solve the problem in the church, but becoming aware of the problem will help solve it in society, in families. Where shame does everything cover and the victim, and so many other things, not art. But we must first become aware of it, establish protocols and move on.


Asked about the problems of migrants, the Holy Father said: The problem of migrants is very complex, very complex. It is a problem that requires memory, to ask if my country was made of migrants. We, Argentines, all migrants. United States, all migrants. The memory A bishop or a cardinal whom I do not remember, he wrote a beautiful article, A problem of lack of memory, he was calling.

Then the words that I use: receive. The open heart to receive, welcome, accompany, grow and integrate. And I say also: the sovereign must exercise prudence, for prudence is the virtue of the sovereign. I said it here on the last flight.

It's a difficult equation. I remember the Swedish example which, in the 70s, under dictatorships, the Cndor in Latin America had received many, many, but all were integrated. I also see what San Egidio does, for example: integrate immediately. The Swedes have said to wait, because we can not finish the road. This is the prudence of the ruler.

It is a matter of charity, love, solidarity. And I repeat that the most generous nations, receiving, on the other can not all, were Italy, Greece and a little Turkey. But Greece was very generous and Italy too.

When I went to Lampedusa, it was the beginning. But it is true that one must think realistically. Another important thing to keep in mind is that one of the ways to solve the problem of migration is to help the countries where they come from. Migrants come from hunger or war. Invest where there is hunger. Europe is able to do it, it's a way to contribute to growth.

It is a complex problem that must be discussed without prejudice. All of these things come to mind.

The pride of Panama

The pontiff concluded his conversation with the journalists by sending a few last words on Panama: I feel a new feeling, I know Latin America, but not Panama. Panama is a noble nation. I found the nobility.

And he added: What is the pride of the Panamanians: raise the children and say that it is my victory, my future, my pride. One thing we do not see in Europe. This demographic winter that we live in Europe, in Italy, below zero, should make us think. What is my pride? Tourism, the village, the puppy or raising a child? +


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