In the end, they will not sell the Design of Buenos Aires and will want to concede it until the age of 70 – 06/07/2018


The Executive of Buenos Aires just sent the bill to the Legislature to sell the property where Buenos Aires Design works in Recoleta, and offer it for a period of 70 years. It is a figure that has not yet been used in the city and is provided for in the new Civil Code: "real surface right" . It badumes that a company can use the site for all that time, but the City still owns the property.

"We believe that it is a superior option. It is something intermediate between a concession and a sale . It allows the city to get a lot more money quickly than in a conventional dealership, but at the same time it does not come out of the property. Commercially, it is attractive because a business can think and design a business at age 70. And from the point of view of the City, the bill states that the money goes to the City Housing Institute. You can not do anything else with money, "says the government of Buenos Aires to Clarín .

 to the property, whose concession to IRSA expires in November / Silvana Boemo

Entrance to the property, whose concession to IRSA expires in November. Silvana Boemo

In the bill that entered this Friday afternoon in the Legislature, it is stated that the maximum duration established by the new Civil Code for this figure is 70 years, however, the Executive understands that the project could start with a smaller number of years . "It is likely that in the legislative field there is a debate on this specific issue", have They explained that it is a law that must be dealt with on the spot twice: readings with a public hearing. And in either case, you need 40 votes in favor. The decision was majority (34 block seats Let's Together) and it is speculated that it could add Allied votes .

Currently the property is given in concession to ] IRSA . Works Buenos Aires Design. On November 18, they should deliver the place, since it is the day the contract ends. The shopping center of design, construction and decoration has been operational since 1993. Perez Companc has developed it and, in 1997, IRSA bought him the real estate badets and stayed with him. Pay the city a $ 400,000 barrel a month . "When the conditions of this call for tenders are known, we will evaluate the possibility of participation .In the meantime, we have a contract until November 18," said a spokesman for the company. 39; company. The City explained that it could remain in place until February 18, since the contract has three months of grace

  Buenos Aires Desing. / Silvana Boemo

Buenos Aires Desing. / Silvana Boemo

"The municipal government does not know how to make disguise the eagerness to do business with the public land . Now use this figure which reduces the costs to the buyer to stay with a property unmeasurable for its privileged location. To mitigate the impact of such a law, they add the "social and humanitarian" character when they affect money in public housing. 39 does not do so or is administered by the City instead of delivering it to a close contractor. , unfortunately, a historical law, "said Jonatan Valdiviezo, Observatory of the Right to the City.

There are still some details that are not minor in relation to this project: if the law was approved, then the City Bank would be the one in charge of the pricing. It is only then that it would be possible to determine how much the private would pay for operating the place for 70 years or the time provided for by law.

And, on the other hand, it remains to know would convert this space. According to the law, it could be a commercial place – sport, bazaar, pharmacy, florist, jewelry, building materials, perfume shop, car dealership, and so on. – bars and restaurants, banks and professional studios. It could also operate tourist accommodation: that is, hotels of all the stars, inns or boutique hotels, among others. There could also be cinemas, a cultural center or a museum.

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