in the middle of the crisis, Macri called "fight it with everything"


"We will fight it with everything"he claimed Mauricio Macri at a meeting with the official senators in the fifth of Olivos, who bet to go to the last instance to challenge the October elections to the opposition.

As revealed The nation, the President considers that the march of 24A he was a show of strength that should embolden them bet to get strong in October, from place.

"With Saturday's march, it became clear that we represent many Argentines. We must be up to it and defend our values, were his exact words.


Macri blamed STEP: "It triggered a crisis like the one we are living"

"Here, what could unlock everything is the disbursement of the IMF, but on the other hand, they want to burn everything, so it's very difficult", reinforced the members of the Upper House Wednesday at noon.

In addition, the President insisted that we have to go out and show "everything that has been done right" in institutional matters, apart from the economic imbalance generated.



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