In the middle of the flight, they asked her to put on her chin strap: out of control, she insulted, spat and kicked the passengers | the Chronicle


Summer is coming to European territory and for this reason, thousands of tourists are already traveling to different destinations to enjoy the sun, the beach and the gastronomy, although all this within the restrictions due to the coronavirus that some cities have and above all, transfers between them.

In the past few hours it has gone viral via social media the violent reaction of a passenger on a Ryanair flight, when they asked him to put on his mask.

The first time they told her, the situation didn’t seem to go any further, but the protagonist, as the seconds passed her anger grew noticeably, in the middle of a departing plane. “full” from Ibiza to Milan.

The woman decides not to give up on her attitude and even argues with anyone who approaches her, including the crew.

They all had a lot of patience with it, but far from doing “down a change”, They made her even angrier and she started spitting, kicking, touching and yelling at everyone.

“If you don’t stop there will be problems”; says one of the workers, and she gets up, even more angry, argues in the corridor with him, persists and persists in saying: “What’s going to happen, what’s going to happen?”

Others tried to intervene and directly shouted: “Get her off the plane.”

Other viral incidents

In July last year, the Civil Guard had to intervene at Ibiza airport because two drunken passengers flying from Amsterdam refused to wear a bondo chinstrap and gripped each other with fists.

In 2020, Palma airport welcomed 6.1 million travelers, compared to nearly 30 million in 2019, German passengers, ahead of the British, were the most problematic on flights, according to data from the National Aviation Safety Agency (Aesa).



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