In the middle of the march to the barracks, they order the detention of Venezuelan military insurgents


"18 arrest warrants against civilians and conspirators were requested at that time"informed the Attorney General Tarek William Saab.

Saab said that there is "lieutenant colonels" between the rebels in uniform last Tuesday, to the influence of the opposition Guaidó opposition.

The opposition considers Maduro as a "usurper" after being re-elected last year in disputed elections inside and outside the country.

After the rebellion on Tuesday, the military high command ratified its adherence to the Maduro government, which proclaimed the defeat of "Cutting skirmish" and promised to go after the "Traitors".

"They will be severely punished because they are traitors to the homeland", ratified Saab, without naming those who are wanted.

In addition, the court ordered Thursday the arrest of the opponent Leopoldo Lopez, who fled to the embbady of Spain after being released from his home arrest by the insurgent army.

The military support for Maduro, the strengthening of popular adhesions, according to foreign observers, keep the president in power despite the resistance of broad layers of the population and the United States.

The government has moved forward with "17 raids" as part of a "ongoing court process " to determine the responsibilities of the military rebels against Maduro.

Similarly, Guaidó today called for walking to the gates of certain neighborhoods, so that uniforms "Become aware of the Constitution" and turns his back on Maduro.

Guaidó, self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela, summoned a national mobilization Saturday "in peace" at the main military bases, where they will deliver a proclamation.

The new day of protest will aim to convey a written message to the armed forces, so that they can answer the call and fight for free elections.

"We are not asking the military to stand with me or the National Assembly, but on the side of the Constitution that guarantees us free elections in the shortest possible time", he said at a press conference in Caracas.


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