In the midst of a strong security operation, the US Secretary of State arrived at the AMIA


Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State Donald Trump, he arrived at AMIA as part of his visit to Argentina to pay tribute to victims of the terrorist attack this left a balance of 85 dead.

The Secretary of State of the United States will participate Friday at the Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on Countering Terrorism, to be held in Buenos Aires, at which the Foreign Ministers of the countries of the region are expected to sign a document against the terrorist organization Hezbollah. After crossing Argentina, he will travel to Ecuador, Mexico and El Salvador.

In addition, the Head of the State Portfolio "will broaden cooperation on security issues and highlight the United States commitment to democracy, human rights and increased prospects. economic. "

Mike Pompeo at AMIA: mega-security for the visit of Chancellor Trump.
The US Secretary of State will pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack, participate in a hemispheric summit against terrorism and lunch with Macri in Olivos

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) July 19, 2019

In Buenos Aires, will meet President Mauricio Macri; the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Teodoro Ribera; and Bahamas Foreign Minister Darren Henfield.

In this capital, he will join regional leaders at the Second Ministerial Conference against Terrorism in the Western Hemisphere to deepen cooperation in the region. fight against terrorism and transnational crime.

In Ecuador, he will meet President Lenin Moreno; in Mexico with Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard; and in El Salvador, he will do it with the new president, Nayib Bukele.

With Ebrard, he will deal with issues of illegal immigration and the trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), while Bukele will examine ways to reduce the illegal migration of this country to the United States. The trip of the head of the American diplomacy takes place in a moment of particular tension concerning the flow of migration coming from Central America.

The president of the USA, Donald Trump announced Monday that he would prevent the granting of asylum to immigrants that they do not ask for it before in a "safe third country". National legislation allows asylum seekers to do so as soon as they arrive at the border, regardless of their route, but an exception is made for those who do so via a third country considered "safe".

At the present time, however, the government has concluded in this regard that a specific agreement in which it recognizes Canada as the "third safe country".

It was predicted that Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales will meet on Monday at the White House with Trump, amid rumors of the possibility of signing an agreement of this type with Guatemala. The appointment was finally "postponed".

Trump, who arrived at the White House in January 2017 with the promise of a tough immigration policy, declared the national emergency for the "humanitarian crisis" who, in his opinion, lives on the Mexican border and accused the countries of the North Triangle of Central America (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) of not doing enough to stop the flow of migration.


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