In the midst of bilateral tensions, China has alerted its citizens to the risks of traveling to the United States: "There are shootings and robberies"


In the midst of deep bilateral tensions related to economic disagreements, China on Tuesday issued a warning about travel to the United States warning its citizens against insecurity in this country: " shootings, flights and flights common. "

In a statement, the Asian giant's Ministry of Culture and Tourism urged tourists to "be fully aware of the risks of traveling to the United States"and take precautions to protect your safety.

Relations between the United States and China are deteriorating more and more. (Photo: EFE)
Relations between the United States and China are deteriorating more and more. (Photo: EFE)

The alert, which will remain active for the rest of the year, was issued at a later time upsurge of the commercial war that the two powers are fighting, a conflict that seems to have affected other aspects of the bilateral links, as an exchange of students.

"It's a response to the circumstances." China would not have acted that way if it had not been necessary, "said at a press conference in Geng Shuang, Foreign Ministry spokesman urging Chinese citizens and companies in the United States to be more cautious. "" possible situations "of risk.

Although he did not directly recognize that it was an answer to the deteriorating relations between Beijing and Washington, Geng recalled that "The United States imposed many restrictions and harbaded "Chinese travelers lately.

Two days ago, the Chinese Embbady in the United States had already warned Chinese citizens who were planning to enter the US that they had to be honest when they fulfilled their demands visa and not to engage in activities other than those permitted during their stay. stay

The Ministry of Education warned Monday that many Chinese wishing to study in the United States are undergoing visa problems and that the visa rate rejected by the US authorities increased from 3.2% of the total in 2018 to 13.5% in the first quarter of 2019.

This is not the first time that the travel warnings as a weapon during the trade war between China and the United States, since January, Washington has asked its citizens to be extremely cautious they decided to go to the Asian giant because of "the arbitrary application of local laws" and the non-recognition of dual nationality.

The number of Chinese tourists visiting the United States decreased in 2018 for the first time in fifteen years, or 5.7% of the total, or 2.9 million, according to official data.


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