In the midst of controversy, they proposed an anal levy to the anti-vaccine justice


Faced with a tragic situation like the one we are living in where we have lost 112 thousand citizens, having an attitude of this type delays, fundamentally with totally fragile arguments which do not respond to any type of global epidemic like this one, ”assured Pizzi, referring to the refusal of this group of workers to be vaccinated.

And he continued, “So much so that I invite people to realize that the only way to overcome this situation is with two doses of vaccine and to continue with absolute and strict compliance with all health measures. Otherwise, we will continue to have problems ”.

Next He recalled the case of a person who said “I don’t want to do a nasal swab”, and about it he noted: “Well, there are other alternatives. The Chinese have long used, in because of the biological characteristic of the virus that is in the anus, the anal swab. Then they could go for the anal swab which is just as effective and maybe even more efficient than the nasal swab. “, He proposed.

In addition, he criticized those who “even since their mother gave them birth, they must have about 45 different types of vaccines and have never requested any type of package leaflet.”

And he concludes: “I invite the criterion to sobriety and moderation. Today, there is no room for the indifferent and for people who avoid vaccination ”.

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