In the midst of teacher unemployment, mass march to the Ministry of Education |


Teachers of all levels and all modalities are on a 24-hour strike Tuesday to reject the crackdown on education workers in the provinces of Chubut and Corrientes. A new teacher event filled the Plaza del Congreso in Buenos Aires.

In addition, the measure requires the opening of national pay equity. There are no clbades in public or private schools. Neither in the faculties of the National University of Rosario (UNR) nor in the teachers of the UTN gathered in the guild Sidut.

Paulo Juncos, member of the Amsafé provincial board of directors, said the strike was to "repudiate the repression of teachers from several provinces. "

" The limit is repression, "said the union leader in dialogue with the program The first of the afternoon (Radio 2).

" The day of the struggle is to repudiate the repression of education workers, but we also call for the convening of national parity teachers and the resolution of the provincial parity that have not yet been resolved, "said Juncos.

In addition to the membership of Amsafe, private school teachers grouped in Sadop also join the strike and mobilize with the rest of the teachers' unions in the Ministry of Education. National Education Also university professors nucleated in Coad and the teachers of the UTN of the guild Sidut.

Mbad March [19659003] In this context, thousands of teachers demonstrated this Tuesday in the city of Buenos Aires to the Ministry of Education.

From there, the general secretary of the Ctera press, Guillermo Parodi, denounced that after a hundred days with the same active conflict in the southern province of Chubut, last week "union representatives entered the negotiating table of paritarias were brutally repressed by the gendarmerie, "main security force."

"It is a conflict that concerns teachers, which is a group of provincial workers who are affected by wages staggered and suffering from a salary freeze since July of last year, "said Parodi in statements to EFE

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