In the midst of the economic crisis, Mauricio Macri suspended his tour in France and Belgium


Due to the economic crisis, President Mauricio Macri suspended the planned tour for the next few days in France and Belgium. "Macri wants to stay to monitor the impact of the announcements that will be made," they confirmed. qualified sources of the executive.

The idea of ​​the president was to meet his peers from both countries and the authorities of the European Union. According to the agenda that I had prepared, the President I was going to arrive April 26 in Paris and the 28th would be in Brussels, Belgium.

In France, Macri had organized a meeting with Emmanuel Macron. The last time they saw each other was at the G20 summit held in Buenos Aires last November.

The news of the suspension of the tour is known after the Indec divide the last inflation figure: it was 4.7% in March, the highest this year. In the first quarter, the accumulated index reached 11.8% and, taking into account the last 12 months, the value of goods and services they increased by 54.7%.

During these hours, the government is fine-tuning the combo of measures that Macri will announce this Wednesday morning in an attempt to offset the decline in consumption during the previous election.

Different departments are working on the details of the measures that the president will announce. The production portfolio closes the commitment not to raise prices of "essential" products for six months, such as milk, flour, noodles and other foods and personal hygiene items, although the initial value of these products is missing.

This will be the most eagerly awaited measure to try to stop rising prices for the most important commodities in the basic basket. this increase without brake.

In this context, the Central Bank has detailed a new strategy to move the uncertainty financial market. The entity headed by Guido Sandleris will leave fixed, until the end of the year, the floor and ceiling of the exchange rate band where the price of the dollar fluctuates.

That way, until new order, the floor will be $ 39.75 and, on the ceiling, $ 51.45 instead of 46 and 59.6 dollars, respectively, projected in December in the initial monetary scheme.

If the US currency moves above these no-intervention areas, the plant will be able to sell up to $ 150 million a day. The same could be done if it went down, but the entity decided that it would not buy at least until June 30th. It will be like that keep the rigid monetary base (and do not inject pesos) during the rest of the first half of the year.


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