In the midst of the tense trade, Macri led a cabinet meeting in Olivos


After a Thursday charged with tensions due to the rising dollar and country risk, President Mauricio Macri met his office in Olivos badyze the measures implemented by the government in recent days and the impact of the escalation of the US currency in the country.

On Thursday, the president discussed the instability of the dollar and said that "the markets doubted the conviction to continue on this path" and asked the Argentines a new effort: "We must continue to row to overcome this electoral uncertainty"

In this context, during the meeting with his ministers, Macri badyzed the impact of the measures taken in the past and the possibility that the rising dollar has an impact on the program "Essential prices"

Macri meets his cabinet after the rising dollar and country risk.
Macri meets his cabinet after the rising dollar and country risk.

After the meeting in Olivos, Macri is expected to receive the Senator of the United States, Rick Scottwith whom he will discuss the current political situation in Argentina. The Florida representative is a close ally of President Donald Trump.

This is not another meeting if we consider that, on Wall Street, they believe that the country's economic difficulties and the decline in the president's intention to vote would force the government to activate the "V" plan. ", namely to promote Maria Eugenia Vidal, who was later denied by Casa Rosada.

Around 15:30, Macri will lead a meeting with members of the Vaca Muerta office, which brings together all sectors of the oil industry. Among the topics to be discussed is the proposal of a petroleum union that seeks to change the sector's work regime, as well as the interest of international companies to implement new projects.

The Secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopetegui, will be part of the party, like the governors Omar Gutiérrez (Neuquén); Alberto Weretilneck (Black River); Carlos Verna (La Pampa) and Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza).


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