In the UAE's "largest public gathering of history", Pope Francis officiated at the Abu Dhabi Mass – 05/02/2019


In a homily in which he explained the beatitudes of Christ's preaching, dad Francisco asked the millions of Catholics living in the UAE to be "An oasis of peace"During the first historic mbad in an Islamic country, held in front of a 150 thousand people in a stadium of the capital Abu Dhabi.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

There were four thousand Muslims present and one of them confirmed that he was "The largest public concentration in the history of this country" Francisco's words in Italian have been translated into several languages, as the vast majority of the faithful are immigrants, especially Philippines and India, but there is also an Argentinian community it was present

The choir of 120 was composed of Catholics from 13 countries, including Argentina

Pope Francis officiates a mbad in the sports city of Zayed in Abu Dhabi. EFE

Pope Francis officiates a mbad in the sports city of Zayed in Abu Dhabi. EFE

A great emotion prevailed among the faithful. Many of them they spent the night without sleeping. Only 50 thousand entered the sports stadium. The others were placed outside before giant screens of television.

In a unique gesture, unprecedented during Francisco's visit to Muslim countries, Mbad was broadcast live with an Arabic translation on UAE television across the country.

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The novelty that has caused much joy among the pope's pilgrims is the widespread text of the ten-page joint declaration of Catholics and Muslims, according to which Francis and the great Imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo , the largest center of Sunni Islam, practices 90% of the 1.4 billion Muslims.

The declaration of "human fraternity" was signed by both parties after the meeting of the Argentine pope with the Council of Muslim Elders.

The document appeals to Christians and Muslims. "Enough to use religions to incite hatred." Terrorism is also condemned, attacks on places of worship and recognition of women's rights are encouraged.

Francisco officiates in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). EFE

Francisco officiates in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). EFE

Both religions are committed to "Fight against extremism" and "adopt the culture of dialogue".

The statement condemns wars and bloodshed and calls for humanitarian intervention "as soon as possible".

The document opens a historic basal stone with new foundations in the relations between Catholics and Muslims. The pontifical spokesman, Alessandro Gisotti, described the test as "a powerful sign of peace and hope for the future of humanity".

A crowd came to listen to the pope in Abu Dhabi. / EFE

A crowd came to listen to the pope in Abu Dhabi. / EFE

The Pope spoke in his homily of the Gospel of the Beatitudes preached by Jesus. "The joy is to understand life as a story of love".

Francisco explained that "for the blessed son of God are the poor, the sweet, those who remain righteous despite everything, the persecuted." The pope asked: "Who is right, Jesus or the world?"

He replied that "to understand, we must see how Jesus lived, poor in things and rich in love, He healed so many lives, but He did not save His, He came to serve and not to be He taught us that it's not great to know who has but who gives. "

Francisco officiates a mbad in the sporting city of Zayed./ EFE

Francisco officiates a mbad in the sporting city of Zayed./ EFE

The pontiff recalled that living as blessed and following the path of Jesus does not mean being always happy. "Who is afflicted, who suffers injustice, who strives to be an operator of peace, knows what it is to suffer."

A large cross has been exposed in the stadium of a country where the churches can not yet have the cross on the roof

Before presiding Mbad in the stadium, the pope He visited the Catholic cathedral of the capital, where two thousand people followed the outdoor mbad in the stadium on television.

Pope Francis greets the faithful on their arrival in the sporting city of Zayed in Abu Dhabi. EFE

Pope Francis greets the faithful on their arrival in the sporting city of Zayed in Abu Dhabi. EFE

The pope concluded his message by noting that "the Christian is armed only with his humble faith and his concrete love".

After mbad in the stadium, the pope went to Abu Dhabi airport where the farewell ceremony took place and He then took the plane that drove him to Rome.

Vatican correspondent


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