"In the United States, Hoffa was killed and killed" | …


The journalist Daniel Muchnik discussed the controversy between Sergio Palazzo and Marcos Galperín and sided with the CEO of Mercado Libre with a sentence evoking a veiled threat to the head of the Banking Association: "In the United States, Hoffa has been killed and killed. " . Although he later clarified that "I do not propose to kill Palazzo".

Palazzo himself leaked Muchnik's audio on FM Millenium via Twitter. "I suppose the same people who came to condemn my comments because I want to coach the Fintech workers will go out to repudiate these statements," said the unionist.

Muchnik had declared on the radio that Palazzo "had received a tyrannical (Hugo) Moyano style" and that "the attitude of some trade unionists does not change". The economics journalist added "that it must be terminated" and after comparing the dispute over the management of Mercad Libre employees with Hoffa's case, he said that somehow, intimidation must be subject to legal limits ".

It all happened when Palazzo said free market workers should be supervised in their union. "If they provide financial services, they have to be at La Bancaria and our collective agreement," he said. "We are reviewing the list of our new # amigos2019.It seems that only Conmebol has gone and they are all!", Responded to the company's CEO via Twitter.

Jimmy Hoffa, with whom he compared Muchnik to Palazzo, was the leader of the truckers union in the United States from the 1930s to the early 1970s. Because of his ties to the Mafia, he remained in the eye cyclone and lost control of his union after going to jail. Richard Nixon forgave him in return for not returning to union activity. On July 30, 1975, he disappeared in a suburb of Detroit while traveling to an appointment with two Mafia leaders. His body never appeared and seven years later he was declared dead.

"Fortunately, Galperín responded to Palazzo with irony, said Muchnik before closing:" Ironically, many battles are won. "It was not his case.


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