in the year of the devaluation, its assets increased by at least 50%


President Mauricio Macri presented his last affidavit and there, its badets measured in pesos showed a strong growth: in 12 months only, it went from 99.8 to 151 million dollars, a nominal increase of 51.8%.

This amount does not include the bad blind trust calledwith which he manages one-third of his badets. In 2016, less than half of them went to this mechanism to simulate transparency in the administration of their badets: at that time, $ 44 million was allocated to this mechanism, administered by the notary general of the nation, Carlos Marcelo D'Alessio. That is to say: the $ 151 million represents the floor of the total sum of money and property that bears the name of Macri.


Macri: the benefits of its false blind trust run by an irregular society

In his DDJJ, Macri claims to have four properties in the province of Buenos Aires, another in the federal capital, one in Salta and another in Maldonado, Uruguay. In addition, he reported more than $ 96,000 and $ 50,000 in bank accounts, plus another $ 90,000 in cash, participation in different companies and as if that was not enough, $ 114 million in bonds of the Argentine nation and the province of Buenos Aires, the majority purchased in October 2018. Macri is the creditor of the debt that he issued.

For this DDJ, he used an exchange rate of 37.5 dollars. Inflation in 2018 was 47.6%, according to INDEC.

Compared with 2017, Macri's equity increased by $ 51,812,529.


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