In Todo Noticias, they reproduced the hymn of the Spanish dictatorship to talk about their elections


The correspondent reporter noticed the error and corrected it in the air.

April 28, 2019

At Todo Noticias, they wrote an international newspaper that Sunday, after the production was reproduced the hymn of the Spanish dictatorship of Francisco Franco during the coverage of general elections.

During the morning, the Clarín group channel called the reporter Alejandro RequeijoWhile waiting to speak, he noticed the error in the musical curtain.

"First, a note that you have probably ignored. The anthem that has just played is the preemocratic hymn, that of the dictatorship of Franco, "he said.

"The current anthem has no lyrics, it's the sound they've heard but no lyrics." The words that have been heard are the Francoist, who is no longer used in Spain"he said, before starting to talk about elections.


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