In Uruguay, Frente Amplio tops polls for the presidential election


Uruguay is approaching the first round of presidential elections on Sunday 27 October. The last one took place a presidential debate between the two main candidates, Daniel Martínez and Luis Lacalle Pou, respectively of the Broad Front and the National Party. The decision not to invite the other candidates was much criticized. Subsequently, an investigation was known, which seems to confirm the preference of the voter for Martínez and Lacalle Pou.

The newspaper El Observador published the data of the company Opción Consultores, which presented the past on television. The new opinion poll shows an increase in the intention to vote for both candidates. The work accompanies the trend towards the polarization of the campaign marked by the measures previously presented by the consultants Radar and Factum, who ratified the take-off of the frontist and the nationalist and also showed a new fall of colorado Ernesto Talvi and the stability of the candidate Cabildo Open, Guido Manini Rios, who is fighting for third place.

According to the Option poll conducted between October 2nd and 9th, Martinez recorded a 33% voting intention, followed by Lacalle Pou with 25%, Manini Ríos with 12% and Talvi with 10%. In comparison with the previous measure of the same consultant, the front-end amp has increased by three points and the nationalist by two points. Meanwhile, according to Option, Manini Ríos spent Talvi for the first time.

The analysis of Option Consultants indicates that "the Broad Front and the National Party are consolidated respectively in the first and second places of the October elections". The report says that the ruling party has grown month by month since the June internal elections, due to "increased voter loyalty," while nationalists occupy "a clear second place, 25 percent of the Broad Front. but also of the other two main opposition parties ". This would seem to indicate that there will be a tie between the first two candidates.

"Despite its stability, Cabildo Open occupies for the first time the third place of the electoral preferences.The reason is the new fall of the Colorado Party, which marks 10% of October against 12% recorded Without any doubt, the PC has has been the most unstable behavioral political force of this electoral cycle, "said the report of the Consultores option.

The survey was conducted by mobile phone with 800 people over 18 years old. Option also presented the intention to vote with the indefinite projection. Projects for Martínez 38%, Lacalle Pou 29%, Manini Ríos 14% and Talvi 12%. As for the other opinion studies, Factum, conducted from October 2 to 8, indicates that the FA went from 39% to 38%, the National Party from 26% to 27%. Colorado, from 18% to 16% and Cabildo Open from 8% to 10%. Radar recorded a two-point increase of the decision, of 41%, and Lacalle Pou, of 22%. Meanwhile, the colorados follow them with 16% and Cabildo Open with 11,5%.


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