In Uruguay, more people die from COVID-19 at home than in intensive care


There is no doubt that the alchemist formula of trying to stop Coronavirus pandemic with the responsible freedom it’s done rooms. Uruguay has just been consecrated according to the latest Harvard report, in the COVID-19 World Champion. We are the most infected country on the planet with 837 colonized by the virus per day for every million inhabitants, followed by Hungary with 770 patients.

Sad privilege to be the only country in the world to have passed the 800 infected per day per million beings who live in this lot. To get an idea of ​​the enormity of this macabre disc, Brazil has only 302 people infected per million and the Argentina the other colossus besieged by the health emergency, only 268 patients. Uruguay has 312% more infected than our neighbor del Plata.

How much longer insensitive government by imitating most of the countries of the world, by limiting human circulation so that death does not circulate. How long will you wait appeal to wealth tax and the abundant reserves that the Broad Front left him, to heal the wounds that deadly virus inflicted on the dispossessed of the earth. We have already broken all the world records for those infected. We are already in the news all over the world because of the health debacle we are going through. We just need to be the ones first in death.

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Among the 198 nations of the planet, in the average of the last week, we are among the 15 countries with more deaths per million inhabitants. Day after day, we are building up positions. Last year we were very far from the countries that filled their cemeteries. Today, we are only 14 places from the first place in mortality. And today, we are a step away from the dramatic crossroads where the doctors will be, for decide who lives and who dies internees.

The the recipe failed and it is foolish not to recognize it. I want to see our president ask the TV station to recognize him. It’s great to recognize a mistake and the pygmies to ignore it. It is about the life and death of our people. There is no narcissism that justifies this crime, made worse by being committed, at the height of madness, in the name of freedom.

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I have spent the last few days in my forced sanitary prison observing and analyzing the numbers of the pandemic, paying special attention to those who have fallen on the ground of this bloody and unequal battle.

And sometimes I didn’t understand, I seemed to perceive that the numbers were drunk, detecting the drunkenness of reporting, as in other moments of my life I discovered the drunkenness of history.

Uruguay tops global ranking of Covid-19 infections per million population

Indeed, the parties of the Uruguayan Society of Internist Physicians (SUMI), which reports day by day the number of deaths in intensive care across the country, records a number of deaths up to three times less than parts of the national emergency system (SINAE).

Or many men and women die in their own sheets, under their own roofs, surrounded by family and friends, or at the gates of hospitals without being admitted or in the taxis or cars that transport them, without the population does not know all the victims without intensive care taken by this fifth horseman of the apocalypse, or there is an error in the SUMI or in the SINAE or in both institutions, or the false, the disbeliever, the Kantian who continues to believe that I later doubt that I exist, I am.

Let’s turn our attention to the stubborn numbers of the past six days. On Tuesday March 30, SUMI reported 13 deaths in intensive care and SINAE 25 deaths from Covid. Am I to take from this that 12 people died of COVID-19 in their homes? The next day, Wednesday 31st, SUMI reported 9 deaths and SINAE 21. Another 12 murdered by Covid who were not hospitalized? There must be an official explanation for this.

On April 1, SUMI reports that there are 9 dead and SINAE does not hide that 35 were infected. This time, 300% more deaths than those not hospitalized.

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On April 2, SUMI reported 13 deaths and SINAE 32, a difference of 19 more deaths without intensive care. On April 3, SUMI reported 13 deaths and SINAE 30 deaths. On April 4, SUMI reports that 17 people have died in intensive care and SINAE brings that figure to 30.

And on April 5, SUMI reported only 8 deaths to CTI, while SINAE reported deaths of 45 men and women, 37 of whom lost their lives without being hospitalized.

Monday was a dark day for Uruguayan health. There have been nearly five times as many deaths outside of intensive care as those who died in those intensive centers. A real national disgrace. These are the official figures from the two institutions, one reporting deaths in intensive care and the other deaths from COVID-19 across the country.

There is very likely an explanation for this haunting paranoia of macabre numbers. We are waiting for it because we cannot believe that more people are dying from the coronavirus in their homes or at the doors of hospitals than in the ICUs themselves.

As also, and for the sake of thefreedom of information, this essential yes in this unequal war, we hope that in each daily report on the deceased we will be told that none of them were vaccinated neither in the first nor in the second dose. It would be a way to strengthen the immunity of the herds. And if there are exceptions, if a vaccinated person has died from the coronavirus, people also have a right to know. Because disinformation and secrecy are in this contest, both great allies of death. Let the Sanhedrin in power take note.

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