In Venezuela, 15 patients with renal failure died due to lack of dialysis in Venezuela.


Fifteen renal patients they died in the last hours After dialysis services were cut in the middle of the mbadive blackout that has spread since Thursday in Venezuela, denounced Saturday the coalition of NGOs for the right to health and health. life (Codevida).

"They report that between yesterday and today there is 15 people dying for lack of dialysis. Nine of the dead were in Zulia, two in Trujillo and four in Pérez Carreño de Caracas hospital, "he said. AFP Francisco Valencia, director of the NGO Codevida. "The situation of people with kidney failure is very difficult, critical, we are talking about about 95% of dialysis units they are paralyzed due to the interruption of electricity, "added Valencia.

Venezuelans are facing since the afternoon of Thursday worst power outage in its history, that the government of Nicolás Maduro attributed to an alleged "electric war" led by the United States and by Juan Guaidó, so-called "president in charge". On the other hand, the opposition responded that the problems of electricity supply were due to a lack of maintenance.

The situation is more dramatic in the states of the interior of the country such as Zulia, where they add more than 50 hours of uninterrupted power failure. In Caracas, energy has been restored periodically in some areas.

# 09Mar Last minute, 15 people died due to lack of dialysis: Zulia 9, Trujillo 2 and Pérez Carreño 4. In the hours that followed, more details. #EmergenciaEnDialisis

– Francisco Valencia (@ valenciafran) March 9, 2019

In a dialysis unit in the city of Valencia, in the state of Carabobo, patients could only receive an hour of dialysis on Saturday "while treatment required by international protocols is four hours" , said the director of Codevida, who also warned that the death toll can increase because of complications of kidney failure.

These are critical times for patients (AFP).
These are critical times for patients (AFP).

In addition, on Friday, "48 children who depend on the country's only pediatric dialysis unit could not be dialysed (…) .This adds to the lack of drugs and supplies extended for many years", denounced Valencia.

Other patients they also suffer due to failures in the power generation systems of hospitals.


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