In Venezuela, they will start applying the Cuban vaccine which does not have WHO authorization


Venezuela received first batch of Cuban vaccine candidate Abdala (PHOTO: EFE)
Venezuela received first batch of Cuban vaccine candidate Abdala (PHOTO: EFE)

Venezuela received this Thursday a first batch of Cuban vaccine candidate Abdala. The South American nation will become the first to use drugs, which has not yet been approved by the World Health Organization nor with an emergency permit.

Venezuelan regime vice president Delcy Rodríguez announced the arrival of the first batch of the dose “As a sign of the close relationship” between the two countries.

Today, Cuba, with its vaccine candidates, also gives lessons to the world, ethical, moral, scientific and technological lessons. There is no blockade that I can make against the will of the people ”, added the vice-president, who pointed out that this drug has one of the“ best in the world ”effectiveness.

The Cuban regime has already started procedures to obtain international approval of the vaccine candidate Abdala (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The Cuban regime has already started the process to obtain the international endorsement of the vaccine candidate Abdala (PHOTO: REUTERS)

For a vaccine candidate to be considered a vaccine, it must demonstrate efficacy equal to or greater than 50%, in accordance with the provisions of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Worst numbers

Venezuela is on the list of countries with the lowest vaccination rates in the world. Outside vaccination centers Hundreds of anxious citizens turn around daily because they have not been summoned to receive the medicine. After hours of waiting they go home without answers and without vaccines.

Venezuelans wait to be summoned to receive the COVID-19 vaccine (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Venezuelans wait to be summoned to receive the COVID-19 vaccine (PHOTO: REUTERS)

According to public figures until June 12, The country had received 3.23 million vaccines against the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

Vaccines on the Venezuelan market

Venezuela has so far signed at least four agreements for the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines. The first took place last December with Russia, for the acquisition of ten million doses of Sputnik V.

On June 4, authorities reported the signing of another agreement with the Russian pharmaceutical company Gerofarm for the shipment of 10 million doses of the EpiVacCorona vaccine.

Sinopharm vaccine is also applied in Venezuela (PHOTO: EFE)
Sinopharm vaccine is also applied in Venezuela (PHOTO: EFE)

Nicolás Maduro’s regime also signed an agreement to buy vaccines from China Sinopharm, details of which are unknown.

Too They are awaiting the shipment of more than 11 million units of the Covax system, to which, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Venezuela owes a part to make the corresponding payment. Spokesmen for the Venezuelan regime said the disbursement had been made, but the money had been blocked “by an international bank” and was being “investigated”.

3,000 deaths from COVID-19

Venezuela has reached 3,007 COVID-19 deaths this week since the start of the pandemic, after registration 18 new deaths in the last 24 hoursinformed the Minister of Communication, Freddy Ñáñez, during the presentation of the official daily report.

Unfortunately, we have 18 new deaths to reach 3,007“Ñáñez said in a Twitter post in which he detailed that three of the deaths occurred in Zulia, three more in Portuguesa, two in Apure, two more in Aragua, two more in Delta Amacuro, two in Lara and two in Nueva. Esparta.

Crowd of Venezuelans waiting to receive the coronavirus vaccine (PHOTO: AFP)
Crowd of Venezuelans waiting to receive the coronavirus vaccine (PHOTO: AFP)

While Trujillo and Guárico recorded one death each. The minister also indicated that on that day, the authorities represented 1,179 new infections, including 71 “imported”.

Today, we record the highest number of imported cases since the arrival of the pandemic in our country, at this time, it is important to maintain the highest levels of biosecurity, “added áñez and clarified that the infections come from people from Ecuador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Turkey, Iran, Mexico and Spain.

Read on

40 medical and academic organizations denounced to the UN that Maduro uses COVID-19 vaccines as a method of extortion
Venezuelan doctors denounce “anarchy” in vaccination plan
Church denounced that in Venezuela only those affiliated with Chavismo are vaccinated

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