In Washington, Cornejo did not rule out a presidential intern at Cambiemos and said Lousteau could be a candidate.


Governor Alfredo Cornejo at the Woodrow Wilson Center

WASHINGTON.- At the end of a tour of New York and Washington, the governor of Mendoza,

Alfredo Cornejo

, leaves open the possibility of an internal change to define the formula of the presidential elections of next October, as it happened in 2015, provided that there is an agreement within of the coalition and that the "economic climate" is present. Cornejo even said that

Martín Lousteau

could be a candidate for the Radical Civic Union (



Cornejo also said that it would be "a big surprise" that

Cristina Kirchner

she was not a presidential candidate in the forthcoming elections – a scenario which, in her view, favors the ruling party – because of the judicial front facing the former president, since another does not guarantee him impunity for his causes ".

Cornejo closed a visit to the United States to promote investment in Mendoza to the leaders of the Mendocino Business Council with a conference at the Woodrow Wilson Center organized by the Argentina project. He reviewed his management, change and the work of the president

Mauricio Macri

and Cambiemos, who has shown confidence in the possibility of re-electing its mandate, despite the "economic deficit".

Cornejo elevated a primary in the ruling party as an opportunity to show "subtle differences" to help recover "skeptical" or "disillusioned" voters with Cambiemos in the midst of a difficult year in which the government tries to get out of the economy of the crisis This was triggered after the exchange of 2018. But Cornejo always referred to President Macri as the final candidate of the coalition and said that any dispute within the OSP had to have presidential approval and add to the continuity project. .

"It's an alternative that we do not rule out, I do not think we're solving it until April, May, and if we solve it, it has to be in agreement with President Macri, we have to whether it's a collaborative contest, "said Cornejo. Then, at a meeting with the press, when asked if Lousteau could be the possible candidate for radicalism, the governor replied, "Why not?" He is a person who possesses enough of knowledge in the country. "

"I do not imagine many more names," he continued. "If I imagine a concept, not a name, of someone who can show differences within change, it can show these partial visions of subtle differences that add support that we we have not today, "he added.

Cornejo again insisted with a phrase he had invented over the past few days: he insisted that the coalition be "more change and less pro". This, he suggested, will generate greater confidence in the other neighborhoods of the electorate, provide more support and consolidate the proposal of the ruling party to put in place a second mandate in which he intends to deepen the reform process.

Unfulfilled promises

Unfulfilled promises The leader of radicalism acknowledged that Macri was closing his term with an "economic deficit" and that there were "many disillusioned, skeptical people" because the government had failed to reduce inflation and poverty. "We promised to reduce inflation and we did not do it, we promised to reduce poverty and we did not reach it, but I think we need to appeal to citizens and treat them as smart people, knowing that it is a process that will not happen overnight, "he said. Let's change, he said, he should strive to "represent that vision". But, nevertheless, he was very optimistic about Macri's chances of reelection and that he did not see the "conditions" of a win for Cristina Kirchner.

"The options speak for themselves," he said. "President Macri needs to explain what our coalition has failed to achieve, but its main competitor, former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has to explain to a large extent the origin of the problems and the Argentines have done both experiments, we think that in this balance we are favored, the rest of the options have no electoral weight today, "he said.

The governor and president of the National Committee of the UCR was convinced that Cristina Kirchner would be a candidate, a scenario which, according to him, favors the party in power and allows him to propose the election as a decision between two models of antagonistic development. He did not hesitate to connect Cristina's project in Venezuela, a foretaste of one of the strategies presented by the ruling party.

"This campaign will be more transparent and more in-depth in the debate on the development model of Argentina than in 2015. All conditions are met for citizens to have well-differentiated options, and not simple advertising or marketing contests solve the future of Argentina, "he said. "In this perspective, I predict that President Macri has the advantage over a more open model on the world, a healthy economy, a moderate state intervention in the economy, as opposed to a totally opposite model, Venezuela, a model that is falling into its own country, there are many Argentines who do not want to go, to what Cristina says, "he said.

Frontal, Cornejo recognized the differences within the ruling coalition, but downplayed the frictions and tensions of the last time by declaring that Radicalism, Pro and the Civic Coalition are united "in essence". He returned to the comparison with Venezuela.

"If the Cambiemos coalition had not joined and if we had not remained united, it would have been considered the dispersion of the opposition in Venezuela, which was our most powerful concept and the most more categorical. " We believe that in spite of our differences, we must maintain this course for years, then these differences can be expressed when Argentina comes out of the economic quagmire, we must mobilize all the political power to achieve this ", said the President of Mendoza.

"And if the Cambiemos coalition was not united and if we did not remain united, it is the dispersion of the opposition in Venezuela that has been our strongest and most categorical concept, and we believe that despite we need to stay the course, some years, then these differences can be expressed when Argentina comes out of the economic quagmire, we need to mobilize all the political power to achieve this, "said the president of Mendoza.

Macri and the little table

Alfredo Cornejo defends Macri's leadership without silencing critics. He believes that Cambiemos should have continuity to root the reform process and that the next step should be a broader consensus. "We can not miss more opportunities," he enthuses. The dismissals are candidates for the vice-presidency and suggest the possibility of joining the Chamber of Deputies or Macri's cabinet during a second term.

Cornejo also downplayed the influence of the "little table" on weight decisions. He did not hesitate to take responsibility for Macri's mistakes and successes.

"I learned that it was a good excuse to turn to the environment and not say directly to who ultimately makes the decisions." President Macri has a very strong personality and, although, like all presidents and governors, he has an inner circle in which he consults and has more confidence, decisions are made by the president. "


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