In what state is the peace process?


Iván Márquez, a former commander of the Farc and whose whereabouts have not been known since August 2018, has sent a letter to the former guerrillas undergoing reincorporation, expressing their disagreement with the latest political developments in Colombia, including the resumption of Jesus Santrich.

In the letter, the ex-combatant stated that handing over the weapons was a serious mistake.

"Comrades of the ETCT (Territorial Training and Reincorporation Spaces) on behalf of the military commanders of the former headquarters of Farc, commanders of fronts and columns, affected by state treason by the Havana peace agreement, we self-reiterate, it was a grave mistake to have confided the weapons to an unfaithful state, confident in the good faith of his counterpart, how naive he was not to remember the wise words of our commander-in-chief, Manuel Marulanda Velez, who had warned us that weapons were the only guarantee of compliance with the agreements.The sad reality is that they put us rabbits. "

For its part, the constitutional lawyer Juan Manuel Charry, referring to the letter, said that in the statements of Marlon Marín, his uncle alias Iván Márquez was fleeing and giving up the peace process, Santrich at the edge of the Extradition and thinking a lot that the FARC are continuing their drug

In turn, the representative of the Democratic Center Edward Rodriguez, on his Twitter account, said that the "threatening letter signed by Iván Márquez," El Paisa "and Romaña, in which they warned him that s & # 39; he was extraditing his compadre of vans, Jesús Santrich's, the agreement would come to an end, show what they are able to cover up their misdeeds and continue to commit crimes.Make the speech of terror! "

Víctor Currea DeLugo, a journalist and academic, said the letter evoked feelings of frustration at the government's inability to comply with the law, and that he did not see that there was a call to arms or a regret for having signed peace. we are wondering about the methodology in which the process was developed and leaving the government with the greatest opportunity to break the peace, as it does ".

Similarly, Iván Márquez, in his letter, urges the president not to turn his back on the agreements and tells the president that the recovery of Santrich is illegal. "No Colombian needs to be a lawyer to understand that no drug addict, as is the case with Santrich, can be legal." This legalization of capture was an illegality, an abuse of power and added that the former Attorney General and even the doctors who have lent themselves to this basic infamy must respond. "

The contents of this letter, added to the judicial process against Jesús Santrich and to the meetings of President Iván Duque with all political parties, unopposed, have worried the public opinion who does not know for sure in what state the process is of peace. and where are you

Do not miss this evening "Semana en Vivo" by María Jimena Duzán with Carlos A. Lozada, Senator of Farc and Emilio Archila, Presidential Advisor for consolidation and stabilization.

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