In which cities will it be night at night?


On July 2, the Argentineans will witness a great solar eclipse: the shadow of the moon will cross the western territory in the east and, at some point, it will superimpose itself in the sun, making it stand out. darken in the open.

The phenomenon will be total only in six provinces: San Luis, La Rioja, San Juan, Cordoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. In the rest, you can see, but only partially, between 16:25 and 18:45, the clearest time between 17:30 and 17:45.

The best place to see the eclipse will be in San Juan, because of the different characteristics of the territory. In order for all residents of the province to celebrate the event, the Observatory of the University of San Juan organized a series of public events, as well as the National University of San Juan. Río Negro to the south and the Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics. from UBA to Buenos Aires.

However, you must take a series of precautions when it comes to attending an eclipse: the sun should never be observed without eye protection because the retina can be damaged even if no discomfort it is felt. Experts recommend looking at the eclipse with special glbades or a glbad of welding mask. Neither black glbades, X-rays, nor packaging paper are safe.


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