In which countries did the first cases of “black fungus” appear and what is it? the Chronicle


This week the Indian Ministry of Health announced that more than 9,000 patients with Covid-19 have been infected with mucormycosis. Disease appeared in Latin America in recent days, with cases recorded in Uruguay Yes Chile.

In Uruguay, a 50 year old male was diagnosed with the disease ten days after recovering from a photo of Covid. As reported The country the Uruguayan suffers from Diabetes, an immunodeficient disease that made her vulnerable to attack by the fungus.

After the first case of black fungus in the area, Chilean Torax Hospital reported its own case of mucormycosis. The Under-Secretary of the Assistance Networks of Chile, Alberto Dougnac, responded on Saturday to new concerns about the new threat, calling for calm:

This is not a disease that first appeared in Chile, are so-called opportunistic diseases, that is to say diseases or microorganisms which benefit from a greatly reduced immune status patients to appear“Explained the official during the daily balance of the pandemic situation. Dougnac also pointed out that the cases recorded in Chile to date have been isolated, and asked “do not alarm the population“.

Black fungi: what are they and who do they affect?

Latin America on alert for recent cases of black fungi in Covid-19 patients.

Mucormycosis is the fungal disease caused by exposure to a mucor fungus, commonly found in the soil, plants, manure and fruits and vegetables decomposition. It is spread by airborne fungal spores, but cannot be spread through contact with infected people.

From the large number of cases recorded in the country, the Indian Ministry of Health has identified the track symptoms to identify infection:

  • The appearance of black scabs or lesions on the nasal bridge or upper inner part of the mouth (caused by necrosis or tissue death)
  • Itch in the eyes and / or nose
  • Strong headache
  • Bloody fever, nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathe
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding

Microscopic view of the black fungus.

Commonly, the disease affects people with weakened immune systems, as is the case with people with diabetes, but experts who have observed the cases in India point to its relationship to drugs used in the treatment of coronavirus:

Several of the steroids implemented in Covid patients to reduce inflammation of the lungs can weaken the body’s immunity, giving way to diseases such as mucormycosis.

On the severity of the disease caused by black fungi, data from the Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention of United States show you have a 54% death rate.


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