In which countries is it no longer compulsory to wear a chin strap outside? | the Chronicle


Since Coronavirus pandemic One of the preventive measures was the placement of the chinstrap to prevent the spread of the virus. With the advancement of vaccination campaign some countries have chosen to restrict its use.

At Argentina the use of mask it is mandatory and no mention has yet been made of its use.

Israel without chinstrap

One of the first to announce that they will stop using chin straps he was Israel, For two months, the measure was in effect for those who were outside and also confirmed that from this Sunday, it will no longer be mandatory for closed spaces.

The country’s authorities trust your vaccination campaign which has already reached over 60 percent of its population and recorded a 97 percent reduction in the contagions by covid.

This morning, the Spanish President, Pedro Sanchez, announced that the use of a chin strap will no longer be mandatory outdoors from June 26 nationwide.

In the middle of an act performed in Barcelona assured that “It will be the last weekend with outdoor masks.”


Removal of the use of mask outdoors from this Thursday, but it will continue in force in many, many gatherings, crowded places or stadiums. In addition, they will lift the curfew from Sunday, June 20.

The French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced that the new arrangements had been made because the health “improve faster” what they had “expected”.


It was the first country of Europe eliminate the compulsory use of chin straps indoors, with the exception of public transport. The current measure will be in effect in the country until September 11, then no one will have to use mask.



Their use outdoors is no longer mandatory and depending on the epidemiological situation of the country, they can no longer be used indoors from July 1. As Belgium They have stopped using them in open places since June 9.

For his part in Germany, the minister of Hi Federal, Jens Spahn, was in favor of a gradual reduction in the use of masks. While in Italy evaluate to follow the same path from August, as long as the rhythm is maintained in the vaccination against the covid.

United States was not unanimous on the use of mask, since in some states like California its use is compulsory, but in new York those who are vaccinated decide whether or not to wear the mask.


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