Incidents and looting in the ultimatum of yellow jackets in Macron | Chronic


The movement of "yellow vests" took Saturday a new impetus with the 18th consecutive event in Paris, causing many riots and looting in luxury stores in the center of the French capital.

"After this day, at least for me, there will be no more demonstrations. There will be real actions, we will have to propose blockages. We showed that we knew how to manifest, that it did not work and that we were not heard."said one of the leaders of this movement on social networks, Eric Drouet.

Police used tear gas and fire hydrants to disperse young people who threw firecrackers in this emblematic area of ​​the French capital, BFMTV reported. The demonstrations began on November 17 in several French cities.

The eighteenth march took place Saturday, four months after the beginning of the demonstrations and one day after the end of the great national debate, under the leadership of Macron to seek answers to the crisis in France.

The number of protesters has decreased in recent weeks. According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior, asking the question of "yellow jackets", there were 28,600 in France all last week, one-tenth of the 282,000 who took to the streets on November 17, beginning movement.

"The big debate that has taken place is a good joke"he said Quentin, 30, arrived in Paris from Nantes, in the west of the country, to attend the march. French police mobilized some 5,000 soldiers this weekend, more than those deployed at previous demonstrations.


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