Incidents between independent protesters and the police – News


Hundreds of protesters from Catalan independence clashed on Friday with the police in central Barcelona as part of the strike day in Catalonia, in rejecting the high sentences handed down to the leaders of the failed secession process of 2017.

The clashes took place near the last stretch of participants in a massive mobilization called by the major secessionist organizations, which collapsed in the county capital, where there were columns of demonstrators that currently cover almost all from the city center, in the Paseo de Gracia. .

The riots began on the Via Laietana in Barcelona, ​​in front of the police headquarters, where the students of the separatist movement concentrated in the early hours of the day, putting pressure on the agents, throwing eggs, paint, bottles, stones and other objects. dangerous.

Two young men were arrested after initial interventions by the National Police, who momentarily dispersed the protesters, who then sat down in front of the riot police to show their resistance.

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With shouts of "Out of the occupation forces!" the launching of objects was added, which intensified the tension until the police came back to act, this time with more toughness, with shots of rubber bullets.

At least one photographer and one agent were injured by the impact of objects and had to be treated by the emergency services, as he could see Télam.

In a short time, the demonstrators increased their level of violence, erecting barricades, burning containers, burning in the middle of the street, reproducing the episodes of violence experienced during the last four nights. The students were joined by groups of young people who call themselves "anti-fascist" and whose security forces are the main target.

As of Monday, date of the publication of the sentence condemning the leaders of the unsuccessful secession process from 2017 until 13 years in prison, the independence movement is standing, continually protesting what they regard as a new repressive action on the part of the Spanish State. .

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