Increase enrollment fees in private schools in the province up to 18% – 05/02/2019


This happens every year after closing the parity with teachers: private schools transferring tuition fee increases. This time, the province has authorized nearly 4,800 educational institutes to adjust the monthly payment. between 8 and 18%.

They represent amounts that are going from 79 pesos to 1,003 pesos. The variation is due to the differences between the percentages of grants received from the state and the level of education.

In any case, the increase retroactive to March. But the cumulative he is prorated in all the bills of the year so that the impact on the parents' pockets is not so high.

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Thus, those who attend the garden school or primary school in non-public centers with a 100% grant will pay 970 pesos from this month. Until now, they paid 891 pesos. In the case of schools with a 40% tuition subsidy ranges from 3 852 to 4 488 pesos (Increase of 16%).

For two years, the privately run education system has put in place a system of "tariff bands", depending on the levels and percentages of state contribution. The measure was organized to "order" the dispersion that was related to monthly payments. This is a provision that the Directorate General of Schools has approved with the chambers bringing together employers in the education sector.

Now, for example, for the common secondary, values ​​range from 1,070 per month for fully subsidized schools, up to 5,832 pesos for schools with the minimal contribution of the state. In this case, the average increase was 15.8%.

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The largest increase was recorded in technical or agricultural secondary schools. In institutions with 40% contribution, the fee will be a difference of $ 1,030, compared to the previous month. For example, it goes from $ 5,645 to $ 6,675. In countries receiving a 100% subsidy, it increases by $ 225 from $ 1,008 to $ 1,223.

The provincial education system has nearly 1.5 million students enrolled in non-public institutes. 85% receive funding (total or partial) to pay the salaries of teachers or professors. The other positions (managers, badistants) must be solved by the persons in charge of the institution.

There is also a smaller part of educational complexes that do not receive government money. In this case, the quotas are governed by "agreements between the parties". They do not have any stops. They are the most exclusive in the province and in cases where it pays from 15,000 pesos and up to 50,000. They do not inform the authorities of the tariff schedules either. But they said to Clarin sector sources, at the 2019 cycle there were increases between 20 and 40%.

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The province reached an agreement with teacher unions after almost 14 months of discussion. They resolved to pay an identical increase to the inflation of 2019; which is adjusted every three months. And in addition, an additional remuneration of 16.5% according to the concept of "recovery" for the difference between what was collected in 2018 and this year's inflation.

According to the educational entities, this change in the bills of the enrollees, This will be the only one that will be this year. Because this has been done with the figures of the joint agreement that has an annual scope.

L & # 39; money. Corresponsalía.



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