Increase in the number of deaths due to the collapse of two buildings in Rio


The number of deaths after the collapse of two buildings in Rio de Janeiro was raised to seven today, as rescue teams continue their efforts to track down the missing twelve, the agency reported. EFE press release.

A hundred firefighters are Friday at the site of the tragedy, in the district of Muzema, west of Rio, to participate in the work of debris in the hope of finding more survivors.

At least 12 missing

According to the latest official report, seven people died, two of whom were saved alive but died at the hospital; Ten were wounded and at least twelve are missing.

The two buildings that collapsed on Friday were erratically built in this difficult access and controlled by militia area, according to the Rio City Council, which warned that 30 other neighboring properties were in the same situation.

Faced with the risk of collapse of other buildings, the authorities have expelled at least twenty families, some of whom are waiting in the street to return home.

The district of Muzema is near Rio das Pedras, the favela of the western capital of Rio de Janeiro, where the militias are born and are the most powerful.

Muzema was under the control of a group of militiamen led by police chief Ronald Paulo Alves Pereira, arrested last February during an operation against paramilitary groups.

Rio de Janeiro remains on alert this Saturday after the heavy rains, the worst of the last twenty-two years, which fell Monday night and caused major damage and a dozen deaths.

Precipitation paralyzed some areas in the southern and western parts of Rio due to landslides and street flooding, which resulted in many cars.


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