Increase or decrease: why in the world of work, it is not worth staying the same


Each year, the entry of new generations into the labor market exceeds the retirement income, as the population increases

As if the cold gentleman, Batman's sworn enemy, had made his own, the tickets were frozen, as well as registered worker departures, which remained stagnant at about 12,300,000 so far this year, according to the latest data provided by the Ministry of Labor. "We find that until May there is stability, with a slight decline seasonally adjusted," said José Anchorena, official statistics officer on employment.

Wages were also there, as last year, with an increase of 26%, the same as the annual inflation.

When these numbers are opened by branch of activity, there are some alerts. In the first place, there are fewer workers in the construction sector (-0.4% compared from April to May 2018).

It must be said that, as during the previous government, it was the public sector that led the employment, during the Macri era, is the construction sector that carries this flag, although it is easy jobs to create but also destroyed in time with the economy, credit and investments in general. Today, the sector has 464,900 workers

In the last three years, an effort has been made, especially at the national level, to control the entry of workers into the state, even they still have not "done their homework". people continue to be incorporated (to a lesser extent) than in previous years.

Manufacturing industries, with 1,174,000 workers and decline from one year to the next (May 2017 over May 2018) of 21,300 jobs, are the biggest losers of the year. year.

goals not met

In general, in May 2018, there are 50,000 registered private employees more than in May 2017, which represents a growth of 0.8%. But is it enough? No.

The goal of the Ministry of Labor for 2018 was to create a floor of 200,000 jobs "at hand", ie to include those who join the labor market. job. "But for this to be a good year, we must reach 300,000 jobs in the formal sector, and without increasing public employment," official sources told the NACION end of 2017.

The private sector registered is the one who stagnated in recent years, but the one who provides genuine and quality work, with the protection of social security. It's the one that has to grow the most. "Today, we find a low rate of entry, but also a low exit rate," says Anchorena. Companies prefer to wait to see how the economy will develop in the coming months, and employees are busy with work because they know that it is very difficult to get the job done. get another one right now.

In this context, we expect little job creation, but when you see the fever of recent years, you can see a great volatility. "We do not know how much is predictive and what part of the waiting is given today by the sudden change related to the currency crisis, only three months ago we expected higher growth", said the portfolio manager. in the macro and by the end of the year the economy is recovering, there will be stability in employment, "he added .But, as you can see, there is no It's not only important that jobs are not destroyed, you also need to create them.

Away From Goals

In the Sector of Non-State Employees


Posts for 2018

This is the number of jobs that should be created for unemployment to do not grow

300 000

Goal optimistic

Figure showing at the end of 2017 the expectation of new posts for 2018

50 200 [19659015] Reality to date

Positions created in the last year (May 2017 versus May 2018) relate only to registered private employees

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